I really hope Mayweather beats Marquez... I know Marquez is a good fighter, but I hate when people say he's better than Pacquiao because he "won more rounds". When Marquez beat Baby Bull Diaz I remember the post match interview he said something about Pacquiao not wanting to fight him - I' was thinking, that's because he already proved he can beat you! Sure Pacman tied him the first fight but that was before he knew how to use his right hand lol... and the total for both matches is he knocked Marquez down 4 times so of course he's the better fighter.
I always think if this was the old days and they went 15 rounds, who would win? Pacquiao and his big ass calves have unlimited stamina and would easily win the Marquez matches if it had gone on any longer.
Now that Mayweather is fighting Marquez, I hope Mayweather wins (even if he is a douche) so we could get the match of the century (yea the centuries young but I stand but what I said). Mayweather vs Pacquiao was just a dream a few months ago, but now it could almost become reality. I still think Pacquiao is too fast for any fighter including Mayweather, but damn it would be a great match with so much drama... the 24/7 series would probably have like 8 episodes leading up to the match. It would just be great to see Mayweather destroyed like everyone else...
Well got that stuff off my chest. Now I'm just happy that Pacquiao proved he's the best in the world and that Hatton is pretty much overrated. He beat the legend Tszyu but that's mostly because of the way it was reffed (grabbing = boring and cheap).