Recent Behavior On the Forum


Ready to race!
Hollywood FL
Most other forums I have been on limit classified threads to 1 post. Seems to eliminate all nonsense and keep communication to PMs, they also have a minimum post count required before using the classified section, helps avoid nonsense and scams.
Some people just need to THINK before they post.
T- Is it true?
H- Is it helpful?
I- Is it inspiring in some way?
N- Is it necessary?
K- Is it kind?

Sarcasm doesn't translate well on a forum either. This is something that I tend to forget from time to time. Most of the time I just end up sounding like an asshole.

A forum above all things is a form of community not a place to come and tear others down.

This is saturday morning school special worthy. True story.


Not Kentucky
Some people just need to THINK before they post.
T- Is it true?
H- Is it helpful?
I- Is it inspiring in some way?
N- Is it necessary?
K- Is it kind?

Sarcasm doesn't translate well on a forum either. This is something that I tend to forget from time to time. Most of the time I just end up sounding like an asshole.

A forum above all things is a form of community not a place to come and tear others down.

im sorry but you've got to be kidding. people get 'torn down' for being dipshits that have nothing valid to contribute, just like in life.

i'm pretty black and white on this forum and in general. i have no patience for morons and people who have no grasp on basic grammar. can't hang with the typing like i text thing, or the street racer guys or the little brats whose rich parents buy them expensive toys they don't appreciate.

i'm on here to learn about my car and learn how to work on it so i can have fun, learn, enrich my life, save some money etc. knowledge is power. i have mad respect for the key people on this forum who contribute their knowledge, share, etc. guys like grambles, the modshack guy, etc. people who love cars, work on their own cars and save us all needless trips to the dealer.

that being said, i would never go out of my way to offend those people or be sarcastic to them. but if you come on here talking about how you just beat a nissan Z to the stoplight yo, smart ass crew, for the win, YO, i'm going to tell you that you are an idiot without thinking twice about it. internet or in life, id tell you to your face. :thumbsup:
im sorry but you've got to be kidding. people get 'torn down' for being dipshits that have nothing valid to contribute, just like in life.

i'm pretty black and white on this forum and in general. i have no patience for morons and people who have no grasp on basic grammar. can't hang with the typing like i text thing, or the street racer guys or the little brats whose rich parents buy them expensive toys they don't appreciate.

i'm on here to learn about my car and learn how to work on it so i can have fun, learn, enrich my life, save some money etc. knowledge is power. i have mad respect for the key people on this forum who contribute their knowledge, share, etc. guys like grambles, the modshack guy, etc. people who love cars, work on their own cars and save us all needless trips to the dealer.

that being said, i would never go out of my way to offend those people or be sarcastic to them. but if you come on here talking about how you just beat a nissan Z to the stoplight yo, smart ass crew, for the win, YO, i'm going to tell you that you are an idiot without thinking twice about it. internet or in life, id tell you to your face. :thumbsup:

god bless you sir.

i couldn't have said it better.



Go Kart Champion
You should venture over to another forum I'm on called This is a nice cuddly loving place compared to that. Haha some people just need to sack up I guess. Vortex now that place is full of asshats :)


Not Kentucky
forgot to mention plac in my MVP list.. i've learned so much about my car and cars in general since joining on here, i am grateful.