CSB3: Golnat Explains How To Make Your Own Creamer Naturally Using Nothing But A Vivid Imagination And Acadia n00dz


former GTI owner
rivian just dropped the r3 and it rules.
First thing I thought of was a Dodge Omni though, lol.

And the R3X looks like the Golf Country:



former GTI owner
I had something similar happen, where someone opened a Best Buy card in my name and bought a Macbook, some Airpods, and I think an iPhone or something? Out of NY. I immediately called the card people, closed the card and disputed the charges, and went to work ASAP freezing all my credit stuff. Sounds like you're on the right track already, close down everything, change your passwords, freeze your credit, and big one, call the companies involved and let them know it's fraudulent. You've got no way of knowing what else is out there, but having those reports on file is gonna help if any further weirdness comes up.

We have credit monitoring and I had my identity stolen. Someone opened a military star account and purchased about $3000 worth of stuff via catalog, I saw the notification and immediately closed the account. The order was canceled and sent to their fraud department. They never did anything or investigated.

Wife and I have a freeze to this day and only temp unfreeze for 48 hours when we're going to buy cars, etc.

It's been 5 years and they made 13 attempts to open accounts, take out loans, and purchase stuff in my name, that I know of.

They're batting 0.000.

But I have to pay for a service for wife and I every month, which sucks.
Good info/advice.

I was trying to think "outside the box" though and figure out how I could access these/"MY" funds......if there was something there, to get the a*hole(s) back.

I mean if they opened a bank account in my name, there's no real damage there. Right?
And this Venmo Debit card is just a debit card -- meaning there'd have to be money in said account(s) for it to even be useful. (on the Venmo site it says no credit check is required too anyways for a debit, versus a credit card would require one)

It doesn't make much sense though that whoever did this would have my address listed though and the card go to me. Unless they wanted me to sign up for the direct deposit (with this Venmo debit card) & "sign" my paychecks overs to them and into the Bancorp account?

The bank account listed is "Bancorp"......never heard of them, and the website doesn't even show a login or anything. Fake, perhaps? 🤷‍♂️

And on the topic of fraud/stealing identities, it's pretty stupid that you're assigned one social security number and if your info is compromised you're still stuck with it and it can always be used & you need to watch your back all the time....just like you're saying/been dealing with @GTIfan99

Which service do you use btw?
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Autocross Champion
The Res Dog Saloon


Autocross Champion
A car
I’ll just save the quoting and make this a PSA.

Everyone should freeze their credit with all three credit agencies right now. Takes about 15min each and costs you nothing. This is the single most effective method to protect your credit score and yourself from identity theft from new accounts. Added bonus you stop getting most of the credit offers in the mail and assorted credit/loan related phone calls. You can place a time-limited “thaw” any time you want to apply for credit, and it’s not a big hassle taking only about 15min to do all three.

TLDR: go freeze your credit if you haven’t already.



Autocross Champion
And if you don't want to do that, for the love of god at least sign up for real time notifications with them. I don't have my credit frozen, but do have notifications. Anytime there's anything as minimal as even a soft inquiry, I get an alert in seconds. So if something was compromised, I'd at least now instantly. Not as good as it being frozen, but better than someone able to open cards and run amok for however long until you realize.


Autocross Champion
nice try PPNT
MK5 Best GTI
ha someone else spotted it too


Autocross Champion
nice try PPNT
MK5 Best GTI
I’ll just save the quoting and make this a PSA.

Everyone should freeze their credit with all three credit agencies right now. Takes about 15min each and costs you nothing. This is the single most effective method to protect your credit score and yourself from identity theft from new accounts. Added bonus you stop getting most of the credit offers in the mail and assorted credit/loan related phone calls. You can place a time-limited “thaw” any time you want to apply for credit, and it’s not a big hassle taking only about 15min to do all three.

TLDR: go freeze your credit if you haven’t already.

ooh, that helps i had no idea what freezing credit meant! So it stops any new lines of credit from being spawned unless I 'thaw'?