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  • Newb here... Just got a mk7 gti 2 days ago and ordered the helix kit. I would like to get on the dongle rental list, please. I sent you a message too!
    hey can i get added to the dongle list please.

    Also was curious if this is needed even if i add a jbl spare tire sub instead of the helix?
    Hi, I just ordered the soundbox for my jetta and was wondering if I could be added to the list to rent the dongle. I live in Florida. Thank you!
    I'll be receiving the Helix in a few days. I live in Portland Oregon and need to be added to the list, thanks!
    Hi I would like to take you up on this offer. And get on the list. My name is James Byrnes email is I live at 805 Morada Place, Altadena CA 91001, United States. Also thanks for doing this for everyone.
    HEx-Can vs micro-can? hello, I have a ross tech HEX-CAN and I am trying to sell it. You sold yours for $300? how do I know what is reasonable?
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