WRX named top vehicle for speeding tickets


Ready to race!
Throwing sparks??? :laugh: Explain that one to me. ?? You bottomed out your car?

Driving aired out slightly for photo, bottomed out and a cop sitting in the shoulders saw sparks. Fought it, said pavement was horrible and the ticket was ultimately dismissed.

Typos due to autocorrect


Go Kart Champion
I passed a cop who was in the slow lane on the highway. I was doing 76. He pulled me over and said I was doing 80. We argued. I didn't get a ticket.

Lucky. But I can definitely see you arguing with a cop.

I got pulled over doing 90 in a 70. Told the cop I wasn't answering any questions. Got a ticket for 10 over.

Man you are asking for it doing that.


Go Kart Champion
Throwing sparks??? :laugh: Explain that one to me. ?? You bottomed out your car?

He is part of the ridiculously stupid stance trend. I would have ticketed him too, then done a full inspection of the car to see what other laws he was breaking.


Go Kart Champion
fifth dimension
Lucky. But I can definitely see you arguing with a cop.

Man you are asking for it doing that.

I don't care about getting a ticket. I was speeding. But don't lie and say I was doing 80 when I was doing 76

On the other hand, I didnt mind the other cop lied and said I was doing only 80 :)


Go Kart Champion
Aurora, IL
On the other hand, I didnt mind the other cop lied and said I was doing only 80 :)

I still don't understand how that shit is legal. I can see reducing the points or fine, but the tickets should always have the actual speed.

FWIW I got 1 speeding ticket when I was 16 in the old Buick Century, then no tickets in any other cars for 11 years.

Then I got 2 tickets last year, both in upstate New York and both driving the gf's white TT.

I've never been let off with a warning or reduced fine either, full ticket every time.


Go Kart Champion
fifth dimension
I still don't understand how that shit is legal. I can see reducing the points or fine, but the tickets should always have the actual speed.

FWIW I got 1 speeding ticket when I was 16 in the old Buick Century, then no tickets in any other cars for 11 years.

Then I got 2 tickets last year, both in upstate New York and both driving the gf's white TT.

I've never been let off with a warning or reduced fine either, full ticket every time.

Try offering oral sex. Works for me.


Go Kart Champion
sw mi
I still don't understand how that shit is legal. I can see reducing the points or fine, but the tickets should always have the actual speed.

That ticket I got when I was driving the fucus was a seatbelt violation. I was actually pulled over for doing 45 in a 25.

Cop pitied me because he caught me in an undeveloped residential area, which are required to be 25 by zoning even if it is uninhabited. Minimum speeding fine is $125, click-it ticket was $65.

Back on topic, the WRX looks like a fast corolla so the statistics make sense.

butchered by autocorrecr


Go Kart Champion
Dang, my cars are 94th and 100th. Wow.


.:R32 OG Member # 002
I got pulled over and ticketed 5 times within 2 weeks by the same cop when I was stationed at Ft. Bragg...

I went to court, showed the judge all 5 tickets and complained that the cop was following me everywhere, and got them all tossed out.

Pretty sure he lost his job too.


.:R32 OG Member # 002
Wow. That's pretty chicken shit even for a chicken shit cop.

Were you fucking his wife right in the butt?

He tried to ticket me on base the first time and I laughed at him and drove away without signing or taking the ticket. Pissed him off so he started watching for me anytime he was on duty...

At the time local police could not write tickets/no jurisdiction on base at all.

It has changed since I believe.