VVT Attack


Ready to race!

I'm thinking of taking the plunge. So far I have read many good things about this tune and vvt tuning in general. I have some pretty long winded explanations that I could post here but it may be a boring read. In short the oem vvt is tuned for fuel consumption and emissions purposes along with catering for every type of fuel and lack of maintenance, with power and torque last on the list. We know this kind mentality to be true from the detuned OZ version of the R golf. The JBS tune adjusts the exhaust and intake cams timing which in turn changes the airflow, cylinder filling, compression pressure (not the same as combustion pressure) and then adjust the fuel and ignition to suit those changes. The result is a significant torque boost from low revs all the way up to redline. A few guys in the UK on r32oc forum have reported strong boosts in the low to mid rev range from this tune.

It particularly works well with the Miltek as the change in exhaust flow and subsequent decrease in back pressure can cause loss of low down torque with an increase in upper kw’s (I found this with the custom exhaust on my 3rb but that’s another story) but the VVT attack tune adjusts the cam timing and other parameters to ensure that this low down torque is increased instead.

The more I read, the more I like.


Ready to race!
Sydney Australia
R36 Twin Turbo Golf
Good luck, Looks like a good increase in power.. JBS seem to have a good Rep in the UK and make some killer Turbo setups..


Paddle Shiffter
Melbourne - AUS
is this to replace your existing APR ECU flash or ontop?


Ready to race!
I assume us USA guys are screwed again and can't get this vvt attack as well??.....

Not sure you guys are being screwed, try living on the other side of the planet to the rest of the world! We pay thru the nose for cars and anything car related mostly about 2 1/2 to 3 times what u guys pay for cars. EG 911 Porsche $77,000 in the US, $240,000 in OZ.

Anyway the only reason we have this in OZ is becuase 1 guy came over from the UK with it. Thats 1 guy to cover 7,617,930 km2 (about 3mil sq miles).

yeah real lucky!