Ukraine: WAR Huh - What Is It Good For Absorootly Nothing


Autocross Champion
A car


Autocross Champion
MSN links just remove the paywall, msn is not reporting a damn thing....


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
A car
What thread?
Hmmm. Not sure what you are saying here..."you sound like wackos"...could you elaborate?

For now I'll just refer back to your first post as OP:

"4. No personal attacks on other members."


You sound like the wackos. Not a personal attack.

You are one of the wackos. That’s a personal attack.


Autocross Champion
A car
Ok, not to be too OCD here but selection bias is a thing, as is fish bowl effect. Its human life. You must guard against that in your own intellectual life if you want to see the big picture.

1. Yes. MSN is a curated news feed, that clearly does report on some news items, and not others.
Someone makes that choice.
Thats basic web 101 for anyone reading news going way back, to RSS days etc. does same.
3. As does Google.

4. Politico was founded on the idea of repeating in digital format the print output of Wapo and others, to monetize it.
5. Vox copied it, and most experienced readers very well understand the editorial viewpoint and resulting editorial selection bias of WAPO, Politico, Vox...ymmv not gonna debate that, its well known.
Marketers call it "throwing meat to the dogs."
See how thats working out for MSNBC and CNN, for example.

6. Before Matt Drudge sold out to Google he was the master of point/counterpoint of news linkage, and exposing MSM hypocrisy, so brilliantly that many mainstream journos admitted to starting their day by going to Drudge for story ideas

This above is not to say anything about the items themselves, other than
"thanks again for cb111 again for ma king it easy to get a sense of events, specifically about the Ukraine."

6. To your second point, ugly, yes It is also true that MSN provides access behind some paywalls, but not others...
We agree. But thats not my point or even the big issue...

I believe one needs to read widely, and do, have for decades to get both/all sides.
To get very good thinking ya gotta pay.
Whether thats in $ or your time to seek out good info, its up to YOU to become informed, across the spectrum.

So, in some small gratitude to the very rational and independent readers here who have helped me with their car expertise, and as a service to fact based rational observers seeking many sources, ie not just what MSN serves up, I've provided a few thought provoking links to deep thinkers with deep subject matter expertise...

Now, if you dont know who Taibbi is, then you might do some reading.
Same with Glenn Greenwald.

Those and others are emerging on substack (some as refugees from the locked in own fishbowl- like NYT) like Bari Weiss of Common Sense,
And many others too numerous to mention.

Thats it. YMMV, as they say.

I'm really not interested in someone's sly personal attacks here, as there is enough sh1tposting elsewhere by clueless and the obvious trolls that pretty much self identify in a reply or two.
Except to point out the obvious logical fallacy that seems to be the default in CRT and earlier Marxist fans for how-to-hack the narrative. The most obvious and most common simple minded is "ad hominems
See Rules for Radicals as the manual...

My advice: dont be that guy

That is all. Carry On.

and you can not be that guy….

Now, back on topic. 😉


Virginia, USA
Sure, all human life has bias, inherently.
Thats not my point, just a reply to ugly as a slight objection to his assertion, that "MSN has no selection bias", with examples.

We can certainly agree to disagree on this.

Especially since by order of the OT OP, this aspect of news on Ukraine ie "the obvious and bizarre bias/one-sided reporting" is not allowed...

But answer me this: did you even read it?
I have no clue what your goal is in trying to derail this thread, but I'd ask that you either stay on topic or go back to the other thread.

that said, back on topic:

Belarusian commander in Ukraine says 'matter of time' before he has to fight his own country in Russia's war (

Russia defends submarine missile attack that killed 23 civilians (

Russian Missile Attacks Hit Another Ukrainian City, Regional Officials Say (

Ukraine Map Suggests U.S.-Supplied HIMARS Could Be Turning Tide of War (

Ukraine Map Suggests U.S.-Supplied HIMARS Could Be Turning Tide of War (

Himars precision rockets shift the balance in Ukraine: experts (

A sobering view of the Ukraine war from behind the new ‘Iron Curtain’ (

Ukrainian forces use US howitzers on battlefield | Watch (

Vladimir Putin Bans Digital Payments in Russia (

Russia is targeting Ukraine's wheat fields and setting them on fire | Watch (

Vladimir Putin Has A Clock Ticking, Says Former Advisor To 3 US Presidents: 'People Would Actually Like An Alternative.' (

Ukraine’s military in push to develop high-tech ‘Army of Drones’ (

Republicans wince as their Ukrainian-born colleague thrashes Zelenskyy (

Putin dismisses Russian space chief Dmitry Rogozin (

I made sure to assure that all of the above links are from MSN