The COVID19 SCAMdemic... Real Joe Biden To Address Nation - Obviously Not Deep Fake Or Pre-Recorded


Autocross Champion
Slow FWD VW Hatch


The Fixer
Site owners are blowing us up with ads, I have 4 for ebay, couldn't fit them all.



Autocross Champion
Entirely different. New students would have to make loan payments for 20-25 years before they could even potentially qualify for loan forgiveness. It's not the same as a universal tax credit.

Other student loan forgiveness programs have already existed and began under republicans:

College enrollment has not increased since Biden expanded loan forgiveness, and is not predicted to.

Radicalization mostly occurs at elite universities which very few are able to attend. Outside of that, this left-wing bias is mostly cultural, in the sense that there is strong acceptance of LGBT, etc. However, it is not academic. For example, I've never seen an economics class with a left-wing bias.

Of course, there are elective courses everywhere that might be seen as left-biased. However, elective (ie optional) goes against the definition of indoctrination.

This is false - left and right radicalization occurs in multiple places. As for your economics example, saying there's no bias there is laughable. In fact, the word capitalism, while not invented by Engels or Marx, was popularized by them as a criticism of free-enterprise economics. Most college undergraduate level courses in the subject would refer, or allow the reference of, the United States as a capitalist society, even though in law and practice it is not.


Autocross Champion
The land of Wyatt Earp & Doc Holliday
'19 Golf R, '21 M2c
^^ Unreal, even for Gavin Nuisance. Instead of propaganda like this, how about spending some money promoting .... birth control? Nah, they'd rather do crap like this, glamorizing abortion and using frilly language like "women's health care".

Here's a shot sent to me this morning from a pal back in Menlo Park, where I'm originally from. Nuiscance's policies at work (Biden admin too of course) creating crap like this. Wealthy Silicon Valley leftoids think this is fine because they can afford this. They like to act like they care about the less fortunate, then stick them with policies creating crap like this. Now you have to be a Zuckerberg lieutenant, hedge fund manager, or Biden family member to afford to live there. Absolutely sickening.



Autocross Champion
Ten Forward
Silver 2017 6MT
Radicalization mostly occurs at elite universities which very few are able to attend. Outside of that, this left-wing bias is mostly cultural, in the sense that there is strong acceptance of LGBT, etc. However, it is not academic. For example, I've never seen an economics class with a left-wing bias.
Even the left admits it, and this was written before great Wokening of 2020. If you have primary or college aged kids it’s undeniable that the agenda has succeeded and is palpable on a cellular, and a right in your face level. The elites want your kids to blame “capitalism” for the floundering economy when it’s actually a lack of competition that is helping to erode our money and our sovereignty. Don’t have government driven DEI initiatives or ESG in your company (which will kill any small to mid size business)? Sorry you can’t play with us on Wall Street

My youngest sister enrolled at UF and had to take a primer on white privilege amongst other radical purity litmus tests just to enroll. And this is for a college in Florida!

Colleges are just now starting to reinstate meritocracy and standards testing because they dropped them for the past few years, all because of fringe identity politics and standards that were erroneously deemed discriminatory

Academia is the most ideologically captured institution, and the hill from which all this type of dung rolls down from. To say that this isn’t happening at the academic level is purely fantasy thinking and/or just out of touch on a planetary level
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Autocross Champion
Academia is the most ideologically captured institution, and the hill from which all this type of dung rolls down from. To say that this isn’t happening at the academic level is purely fantasy thinking and/or just out of touch on a planetary level
Yep. It's why there's campuses across the country with "protesters" supporting Hamas. I'm not sure how disrupting graduation ceremonies or preventing other students from going to class is stopping Israel from doing anything, but let's not let logic get in the way of a radicalization event.


Autocross Champion
This is false - left and right radicalization occurs in multiple places. As for your economics example, saying there's no bias there is laughable. In fact, the word capitalism, while not invented by Engels or Marx, was popularized by them as a criticism of free-enterprise economics. Most college undergraduate level courses in the subject would refer, or allow the reference of, the United States as a capitalist society, even though in law and practice it is not.

You're talking about something entirely different. When people say that students are being radicalized, they're typically referring to anti-white racism, feminism, etc. being pushed in schools. I don't want to say that these things don't happen at all, but my question is; in what classes are these ideas being taught? Economics? Calc? Physics? History?


Autocross Champion
Yep. It's why there's campuses across the country with "protesters" supporting Hamas. I'm not sure how disrupting graduation ceremonies or preventing other students from going to class is stopping Israel from doing anything, but let's not let logic get in the way of a radicalization event.

They're not supporting Hamas, they're supporting innocent Palestinian civilians who are being killed amidst Israel's numerous war crimes. The goal of the protests are to get the Universities to divest from Israel, which is better than nothing. How is that not logical?


Autocross Champion
Even the left admits it, and this was written before great Wokening of 2020. If you have primary or college aged kids it’s undeniable that the agenda has succeeded and is palpable on a cellular, and a right in your face level. The elites want your kids to blame “capitalism” for the floundering economy when it’s actually a lack of competition that is helping to erode our money and our sovereignty. Don’t have government driven DEI initiatives or ESG in your company (which will kill any small to mid size business)? Sorry you can’t play with us on Wall Street

My youngest sister enrolled at UF and had to take a primer on white privilege amongst other radical purity litmus tests just to enroll. And this is for a college in Florida!

Colleges are just now starting to reinstate meritocracy and standards testing because they dropped them for the past few years, all because of fringe identity politics and standards that were erroneously deemed discriminatory

Academia is the most ideologically captured institution, and the hill from which all this type of dung rolls down from. To say that this isn’t happening at the academic level is purely fantasy thinking and/or just out of touch on a planetary level

I searched 'university of florida white privilege' and couldn't find anything you're referring to.

Regardless, I'm sure it happens. It's obvious that it does, I never said it doesn't. My contention is that it mainly occurs at elite universities, such as UF.

Therefore, it is not as widespread as the media makes it out to be.


The Fixer
My contention is that it mainly occurs at elite universities, such as UF.

Therefore, it is not as widespread as the media makes it out to be.
You've hit the nail on the head. It's being taught by all the administrations, professors, the media. Perhaps not directly in the curriculum, but by their own actions and statements. The media backs them up, whether it's true or not. The propaganda machine doesn't quit, the government distracts us as they work against our interests, and depopulation is the elites' endgame.


Autocross Champion
You're talking about something entirely different. When people say that students are being radicalized, they're typically referring to anti-white racism, feminism, etc. being pushed in schools. I don't want to say that these things don't happen at all, but my question is; in what classes are these ideas being taught? Economics? Calc? Physics? History?

They're not supporting Hamas, they're supporting innocent Palestinian civilians who are being killed amidst Israel's numerous war crimes. The goal of the protests are to get the Universities to divest from Israel, which is better than nothing. How is that not logical?
1. We were talking about economics, which I clearly stated based on your prior statement. Turning people against a "capitalist society" in an economics class while conveniently failing to mention all of the failed socialist programs and policies in said class concerning said society is how they move the bar toward radicalization. People aren't radicalized overnight. It's a slow process that starts with small falsehoods to show why your viewpoint makes sense.

2. If they aren't supporting Hamas, then why are they chanting "from the river to the sea"? Or do you contend that they are ignorantly using a Hamas slogan that is expressly condoning the destruction of Israel? Seems like these students would know what they are chanting at their protests. When I hear Hamas propaganda being used and chanted by these people, I figure it's because they support Hamas. How is that not logical?


Autocross Champion
Slow FWD VW Hatch
1. We were talking about economics, which I clearly stated based on your prior statement. Turning people against a "capitalist society" in an economics class while conveniently failing to mention all of the failed socialist programs and policies in said class concerning said society is how they move the bar toward radicalization. People aren't radicalized overnight. It's a slow process that starts with small falsehoods to show why your viewpoint makes sense.

2. If they aren't supporting Hamas, then why are they chanting "from the river to the sea"? Or do you contend that they are ignorantly using a Hamas slogan that is expressly condoning the destruction of Israel? Seems like these students would know what they are chanting at their protests. When I hear Hamas propaganda being used and chanted by these people, I figure it's because they support Hamas. How is that not logical?
I know Jews consider "from the river to the sea" to mean the destruction of Israel but it's generally used to call for the end of Israel's military rule over Palestine

And while Hamas is bad, it doesn't justify the genocide that is currently taking place
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