The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


Autocross Champion
Slow FWD VW Hatch
I went to the Raptors game last night. When we stood up, we had to have masks on, but when we sat down, all beside each other, we were able take our masks off. It looks like the virus doesn't spread when you are sitting down. What the fuck?
im gonna guess you had to show proof of vax too? or at least a negative test?


Autocross Champion
im gonna guess you had to show proof of vax too? or at least a negative test?
Yeah - we have these new things that we got - QR codes - you can only get the QR code if you are double vaxxed. I've mentioned before - I didn't have a strong opinion on getting vaxxed or not, but I got it, so that I could travel and see my grandmother before she passed, a couple of months back.

The QR code reminds me from that office space line "You know, the nazi's had pieces of flair that they made the jews wear"


Autocross Champion
Yeah - we have these new things that we got - QR codes - you can only get the QR code if you are double vaxxed. I've mentioned before - I didn't have a strong opinion on getting vaxxed or not, but I got it, so that I could travel and see my grandmother before she passed, a couple of months back.

The QR code reminds me from that office space line "You know, the nazi's had pieces of flair that they made the jews wear"
I agree - this is like the citizens of Nazi Germany being forced to carry papers. Those deemed "worthy" (i.e. pure Germans) could travel and do whatever, but others were severely restricted.


Autocross Champion
Saw this regular dude at the gym last night, he likes to be social and talk to everybody. I've never seen him with a mask on until he left and was walking out to his truck. Makes sense...


Autocross Newbie
North NJ
2017 GTI MT, PP, LP
I tried staying away from this thread with a 10ft pole but after another thread got derailed, it brought the curiosity out of me to check this out. Yeah... it was probably a mistake.

Alls I can say is, America is not the only country on this planet. It is not the only country dealing with this pandemic or as the thread calls it, scamdemic, lol.

Other countries are laughing at how we've dealt with it. Other countries are dying for any type of vaccination they can get their hands on. I know, I know, you're more than willing to give up yours to them because you don't need it. Well, if only it was that easy...

In the end, I prefer to understand how other countries are dealing with it and their statistics. That is more important than who thinks about what is right or wrong in this country because of whatever your political affiliation is. Again, other countries did not politicize this. It is life or death for them and they're trying to choose life. For me, it's just crazy that so many in this country are oblivious to that.


Autocross Champion
nice try PPNT
MK5 Best GTI
Well said! Add to it that America is a hub of the world, so we deal with more inbound peiple and resources than just about any other place which further increases our need to effectively deal with the virus.


The Fixer
Yeah - we have these new things that we got - QR codes - you can only get the QR code if you are double vaxxed. I've mentioned before - I didn't have a strong opinion on getting vaxxed or not, but I got it, so that I could travel and see my grandmother before she passed, a couple of months back.

The QR code reminds me from that office space line "You know, the nazi's had pieces of flair that they made the jews wear"
You were coerced. In 6 months, you'll need another shot to get your QR code. Say goodbye to freedom.


The Fixer
I tried staying away from this thread with a 10ft pole but after another thread got derailed, it brought the curiosity out of me to check this out. Yeah... it was probably a mistake.

Alls I can say is, America is not the only country on this planet. It is not the only country dealing with this pandemic or as the thread calls it, scamdemic, lol.

Other countries are laughing at how we've dealt with it. Other countries are dying for any type of vaccination they can get their hands on. I know, I know, you're more than willing to give up yours to them because you don't need it. Well, if only it was that easy...

In the end, I prefer to understand how other countries are dealing with it and their statistics. That is more important than who thinks about what is right or wrong in this country because of whatever your political affiliation is. Again, other countries did not politicize this. It is life or death for them and they're trying to choose life. For me, it's just crazy that so many in this country are oblivious to that.
Nordic countries are famously taking a no-lockdown no-mask approach and doing the same or better than similarly populated countries. Some have stopped using the vaccines altogether because of side effects, myocarditis being the most notable.


The Fixer
I will point out Florida and New York again. FL is doing much better than NY with freedom intact, NY very restrictive.


The Fixer
Health is a personal choice we each make everyday. It does not come from billion dollar pharmaceutical companies that bought Congress.


The Fixer
I went to the Raptors game last night. When we stood up, we had to have masks on, but when we sat down, all beside each other, we were able take our masks off. It looks like the virus doesn't spread when you are sitting down. What the fuck?
It's science.


The Fixer
I have two words for anyone supporting the mandates - Nuremberg Code.


Autocross Newbie
North NJ
2017 GTI MT, PP, LP
Nordic countries are famously taking a no-lockdown no-mask approach and doing the same or better than similarly populated countries. Some have stopped using the vaccines altogether because of side effects, myocarditis being the most notable.

I see. So you made up your mind. That's perfectly fine man. I just hope you don't get covid or if you had it, you did well. I personally don't want anything that can give me pneumonia. I've had that a few years ago in 1 lung and I swear I thought I was going to die back then. I can't imagine it in both lungs. I'm taking zero chance to get covid.

The problem is, everyone reacts different to it. So you got those that suffer like crazy and die, then those that get very mild symptoms and go spread the word that it was nothing, no biggie, anyone can get through it. That's spreading misinformation out the gate and honestly, you can put someone else's life at risk. You had mild symptoms, yo mama just might not. It's reckless, but I wouldn't imagine anyone who has already made up their mind to care or understand. I've come to realize there is no rationalizing with those people. Their mind is already warped made up.


Autocross Champion
I see. So you made up your mind. That's perfectly fine man. I just hope you don't get covid or if you had it, you did well. I personally don't want anything that can give me pneumonia. I've had that a few years ago in 1 lung and I swear I thought I was going to die back then. I can't imagine it in both lungs. I'm taking zero chance to get covid.

The problem is, everyone reacts different to it. So you got those that suffer like crazy and die, then those that get very mild symptoms and go spread the word that it was nothing, no biggie, anyone can get through it. That's spreading misinformation out the gate and honestly, you can put someone else's life at risk. You had mild symptoms, yo mama just might not. It's reckless, but I wouldn't imagine anyone who has already made up their mind to care or understand. I've come to realize there is no rationalizing with those people. Their mind is already warped made up.
The problem I have with any of this is the government power grab - vaccine mandates, mask mandates, lockdowns. I'm not saying people should or shouldn't get the vaccine, because I don't know enough about it and I honestly don't trust what anyone is saying about it. In the 2017-2018 flu season, its estimated that 60,000 Americans died from the flu. Children have been dying from measles because of parents who don't get their children vaccinated against it. But we didn't need to all wear masks to protect vulnerable members of the population (children from the measles, elderly from the flu) and people were free to decide with their doctor on the best course of action. People weren't told that they couldn't hold their grandmother's hand, who was instead forced into a nursing home and left to die alone. People weren't being told that they couldn't have Thanksgiving with their families, or to keep Christmas celebrations to small gatherings of 4-6 people. You can argue scale, sure. COVID is deadlier than the flu, but everyone is going to die eventually. Those moments are too few and far between as it is, and some of us aren't going to stand for a f***ing bureaucrat telling us that we can't be with our families and friends because other people are scared.


The Fixer
I see. So you made up your mind. That's perfectly fine man. I just hope you don't get covid or if you had it, you did well. I personally don't want anything that can give me pneumonia. I've had that a few years ago in 1 lung and I swear I thought I was going to die back then. I can't imagine it in both lungs. I'm taking zero chance to get covid.

The problem is, everyone reacts different to it. So you got those that suffer like crazy and die, then those that get very mild symptoms and go spread the word that it was nothing, no biggie, anyone can get through it. That's spreading misinformation out the gate and honestly, you can put someone else's life at risk. You had mild symptoms, yo mama just might not. It's reckless, but I wouldn't imagine anyone who has already made up their mind to care or understand. I've come to realize there is no rationalizing with those people. Their mind is already warped made up.
I've had pneumonia and COVID. I had what I would call moderate symptoms that lasted a couple weeks. This was December of last year, before there were monoclonal antibody treatments. I took OTC vitamins and recovered. I realize not everyone reacts the same, if you are obese with comorbidities, you do badly. Most risk factors are preventable lifestyle choices, that is my point. Our governments are collectively taking extreme measures for a virus where 99% do fine, kids notably the least at risk. The things we are doing are not justified.