The COVID19 SCAMdemic... Skynet Becomes Self Aware Today - Gamestop Brings Retro Games To Moon


Autocross Champion
The land of Wyatt Earp & Doc Holliday
'19 Golf R, '21 M2c


Autocross Champion
Ten Forward
Silver 2017 6MT
Its just another way the feds are pumping money into woke universities who will then turn around and increase tuition rates even further like they have been for decades. Also, dead brained Biden is going against the supreme court ruling....again.

Can we stop pumping money into this already inflated economy, good gawd...our country is being ruined by idiots enriching themselves late in life so they can die off and leave US with the mess.
That’s all this is about. Handshakes and contracts behind closed doors which in turn just devalue the dollar even more. It’s like the $25 hr min wage. Just made everything more expensive and got rid of a lot of jobs in the long run hurting mostly the people on said wage. It’s almost as if they have a scoped out system of order they want to install but they need to deconstruct the current one (at our expense) to usher it in 🤔
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The Fixer
AFAIK people who have paid them off can still qualify.
Would love to see that money again but I paid back lenders years ago. Not expecting Brandon to send me a check, but since they just print money anyway it would be nice.


Autocross Champion
Ten Forward
Silver 2017 6MT
Would love to see that money again but I paid back lenders years ago. Not expecting Brandon to send me a check, but since they just print money anyway it would be nice.
I want Gensler to pay me in bitcoin for my loans


Autocross Champion
Would love to see that money again but I paid back lenders years ago. Not expecting Brandon to send me a check, but since they just print money anyway it would be nice.

How long ago? I don't know a lot about it, but I think you can still get your money back as long as you made a payment after March 2020.

Also, this isn't pumping money into "woke" universities. Schools get paid the moment a federal loan is approved. So they already had the money that's being cancelled. This is nothing more than a ploy to get young voters.


Autocross Champion
Ten Forward
Silver 2017 6MT
How long ago? I don't know a lot about it, but I think you can still get your money back as long as you made a payment after March 2020.

Also, this isn't pumping money into "woke" universities. Schools get paid the moment a federal loan is approved. So they already had the money that's being cancelled. This is nothing more than a ploy to get young voters.
Universities, especially ones that churn out in droves soft science majors, are where Karl Marx is still alive and his broken ideas thrive. So yes they are woke, or neomarxist, or Gramcist, or Communist, or Mercusian, or Bolshevist (or SJWs we called them when I was in college in the 10s) or whatever modern term that describes grievance studies is, and tries to enforce compliance of equality of outcome.

It’s all just warmed over Foucault, Marx and Engels; little rich boy luxury viewpoints, who hated the “proletariat” at the end of the day anyway, and led to over a hundred million dead in Asia, Russia and continues on


Autocross Champion
Universities, especially ones that churn out in droves soft science majors, are where Karl Marx is still alive and his broken ideas thrive. So yes they are woke, or neomarxist, or Gramcist, or Communist, or Mercusian, or Bolshevist (or SJWs we called them when I was in college in the 10s) or whatever modern term that describes grievance studies is, and tries to enforce compliance of equality of outcome.

It’s all just warmed over Foucault, Marx and Engels; little rich boy luxury viewpoints, who hated the “proletariat” at the end of the day anyway, and led to over a hundred million dead in Asia, Russia and continues on

I know they exist. I'm simply not making that generalization because it doesn't align with my experiences at the schools I've attended. For the sake of argument, let's assume they're all 'woke'; even so, canceling debt still doesn't equate to injecting money into them.


The Fixer
How long ago? I don't know a lot about it, but I think you can still get your money back as long as you made a payment after March 2020.

Also, this isn't pumping money into "woke" universities. Schools get paid the moment a federal loan is approved. So they already had the money that's being cancelled. This is nothing more than a ploy to get young voters.
It was probably 2012ish. Yes, the schools got paid, but lenders are getting screwed. Supreme court already struck it down, but he's going to do it anyway? Why doesn't he 'cancel' the country's $34 trillion debt? Because he can't. That's not how finance works.


Autocross Champion
I know they exist. I'm simply not making that generalization because it doesn't align with my experiences at the schools I've attended. For the sake of argument, let's assume they're all 'woke'; even so, canceling debt still doesn't equate to injecting money into them.
Ok, lets say you purchase solar panels on a credit card after politicians said they'd pay for your new solar panels. The solar company banks all this money you paid on credit. Sure enough the government pays for all the purchased solar panels with the strike of a pen. Solar companies continue to lobby the government to subsidize their industry with tax payer money. Get it now? The government doesn't need to directly hand cash to universities (Which they do as well mind you) to pump money into universities. As a bonus Biden buys votes with OUR money. Therefore in the end the students are happy and the universities are happy. Universities will then continue to radicalize young adults so they'll vote for the system which enriches them with tax money.

Also, since most people only attend 1-2 schools after high school your experience is anecdotal evidence. Pew Research Center has built hard data on the subject and found a major left wing bias at universities.
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Autocross Champion
It was probably 2012ish. Yes, the schools got paid, but lenders are getting screwed. Supreme court already struck it down, but he's going to do it anyway? Why doesn't he 'cancel' the country's $34 trillion debt? Because he can't. That's not how finance works.

He simply doesn't have the power to spend money without congressional approval, but that doesn't mean there's some major conspiracy to prop up institutions that clearly don't need his help.


Autocross Champion
Ok, lets say you purchase solar panels on a credit card after politicians said they'd pay for your new solar panels. The solar company banks all this money you paid on credit. Sure enough the government pays for all the purchased solar panels with the strike of a pen. Solar companies continue to lobby the government to subsidize their industry with tax payer money. Get it now? The government doesn't need to directly hand cash to universities (Which they do as well mind you) to pump money into universities. As a bonus Biden buys votes with OUR money. Therefore in the end the students are happy and the universities are happy. Universities will then continue to radicalize young adults so they'll vote for the system which enriches them with tax money.

Also, since most people only attend 1-2 schools after high school your experience is anecdotal evidence. Pew Research Center has built hard data on the subject and found a major left wing bias at universities.

Entirely different. New students would have to make loan payments for 20-25 years before they could even potentially qualify for loan forgiveness. It's not the same as a universal tax credit.

Other student loan forgiveness programs have already existed and began under republicans:

College enrollment has not increased since Biden expanded loan forgiveness, and is not predicted to.

Radicalization mostly occurs at elite universities which very few are able to attend. Outside of that, this left-wing bias is mostly cultural, in the sense that there is strong acceptance of LGBT, etc. However, it is not academic. For example, I've never seen an economics class with a left-wing bias.

Of course, there are elective courses everywhere that might be seen as left-biased. However, elective (ie optional) goes against the definition of indoctrination.


The Fixer
TEMU and spammers on the page, a great combo. Shining the bat signal for @jay745 ...