The COVID19 SCAMdemic... Real Joe Biden To Address Nation - Obviously Not Deep Fake Or Pre-Recorded


What Would Glenn Danzig Do
Slightly Outside Chicago
Mk6 racecar, Tacoma
a co worker has a a build thread on here and i got to looking around at some other build threads to get ideas on how i cant afford more parts. i gotta finish getting my car running and hopefully get motivation to work on my car again.
Yeah mines been down for 2 months. Hopefully getting time to fix it this weekend.


The Fixer
Uhmm, hospitals are still private nonprofits, no? Do you disagree, or are you a Liberal now that would prefer the Federal Govt start running hospitals? What is it with you Libertarian Conservatives? Cry about the govt and then cry about private industry. Also, the IRS are the good guys. They make sure tax cheats pay their fair share or go to jail. If there was no audit or enforcement of the tax law (a Republican dream), then a lot more dishonest Americans wouldn't pay their taxes.

Also, you want to see what it looks like to live in a country where people don't pay taxes and they have no infrastructure... then find a nice country in Africa, and then move there. South Africa and maybe Egypt would be somewhat of an exception, but taxes pay for things we all want. Our tax system needs to be more fair - yes, but to just whine about the fact that we have to pay taxes is just kind of ridiculous. Do you have kids that used public schools... flown on an airplane, driven on a federal interstate, eaten food inspected by the FDA, ever had to call the local police, ever gone to college, happen to live in a state that benefitted from federal disaster relief, been in an accident in a car crash tested by NHTSA, lost a job and received federal or state unemployment? The military also happens to be paid for with tax dollars - or would you prefer we axe that as well?
So, NO, you didn't read those documents. I will entertain you one last time.
Hospitals are NOT nonprofits, I just told you they are making money. Lots of money. Maybe they are nonprofit in the UK, I honestly don't know about that. But here in the US many are BUSINESSES where the admins get millions in bonuses.
The IRS are not good guys. 0barna weaponized them against conservatives. Plenty of people do not pay their share, the rich and corporations utilize loopholes unavailable to the average Joe. Many don't pay a penny. A flat tax on everyone would be fair, but we'll never see it. My family's tax bracket is about 40% going to Uncle Sam.
I'm not suggesting we axe all the gov programs, but we do need to balance the budget. We can't keep raising the debt ceiling every year for a bloated apparatus that's corrupted. And did you know that 61% of Americans did not pay any taxes last year?? It's not that they are evading the system, they were poor or unemployed because our government incentivized staying at home.


The Fixer
Yeah mines been down for 2 months. Hopefully getting time to fix it this weekend.
Still driving my rebuilt GTI that the haters said wouldn't run...


The Fixer


Autocross Champion
Hither and thither
I know your degree wasn't in business, but allow me to assist... nurses work for the private industry, typically the nonprofit healthcare industry. IRS agents are directly employed by the federal govt to enforce compliance with the tax law. I know it can be confusing sometimes.

So if it's confusing for you, ask someone to clear it up. *shrug*

Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
Uhmm, hospitals are still private nonprofits, no? Do you disagree, or are you a Liberal now that would prefer the Federal Govt start running hospitals? What is it with you Libertarian Conservatives? Cry about the govt and then cry about private industry. Also, the IRS are the good guys. They make sure tax cheats pay their fair share or go to jail. If there was no audit or enforcement of the tax law (a Republican dream), then a lot more dishonest Americans wouldn't pay their taxes.

Also, you want to see what it looks like to live in a country where people don't pay taxes and they have no infrastructure... then find a nice country in Africa, and then move there. South Africa and maybe Egypt would be somewhat of an exception, but taxes pay for things we all want. Our tax system needs to be more fair - yes, but to just whine about the fact that we have to pay taxes is just kind of ridiculous. Do you have kids that used public schools... flown on an airplane, driven on a federal interstate, eaten food inspected by the FDA, ever had to call the local police, ever gone to college, happen to live in a state that benefitted from federal disaster relief, been in an accident in a car crash tested by NHTSA, lost a job and received federal or state unemployment? The military also happens to be paid for with tax dollars - or would you prefer we axe that as well?
Or you can go to Baton Rouge. I also agree we are over taxed and the government over spends. They should not be allowed to ask for money but be required to better manage the money thet take from us.


Autocross Champion
nice try PPNT
MK5 Best GTI


Autocross Champion
There are only two options to vote for in the Presidential election... unless you're not that smart. I mean, sure, look at all of those effen geniuses that voted for Nader Green Party in 2000. The were so worried about the environment that they passed on the future creator of An Inconvenient Truth and helped elect a Republican in Texas with ties to the Oil industry that wanted to drill a hole anywhere in the United States where you might find some dead dinosaurs. Apparently you're not very proud of who you voted for or you'd have mentioned that person by now. I, personally, voted for Hillary in 2016 and Biden in 2020. At least I'm proud of my votes.

Also, you're denying that you ranted about Biden? This wasn't you that wrote this: If Biden gave a s**t about COVID or immigrants, the border crisis wouldn't be happening the way it is.

Maybe you were referring to another person named Biden?
That's not a rant, it's a statement of fact.

Also, I explained exactly how voting for a different candidate isn't throwing away a vote. And there are not only two options, there are only two possible winners because of a rigged system. Tell you what, other than being soft on China, explain to me how Trump was any different than Bill Clinton, a President who, I presume, you liked? You can start with the misogyny and golfing (which they used to do a lot of together) and go from there.
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Autocross Champion
2016 GTI, 2018 ZL1
So, NO, you didn't read those documents. I will entertain you one last time.
Hospitals are NOT nonprofits, I just told you they are making money. Lots of money. Maybe they are nonprofit in the UK, I honestly don't know about that. But here in the US many are BUSINESSES where the admins get millions in bonuses.
The IRS are not good guys. 0barna weaponized them against conservatives. Plenty of people do not pay their share, the rich and corporations utilize loopholes unavailable to the average Joe. Many don't pay a penny. A flat tax on everyone would be fair, but we'll never see it. My family's tax bracket is about 40% going to Uncle Sam.
I'm not suggesting we axe all the gov programs, but we do need to balance the budget. We can't keep raising the debt ceiling every year for a bloated apparatus that's corrupted. And did you know that 61% of Americans did not pay any taxes last year?? It's not that they are evading the system, they were poor or unemployed because our government incentivized staying at home.
Not disagreeing with your points, but adding context: 61% is high, but over 50% paying no federal income tax is normal. I don't recall the exact numbers I read previously, but something like 80%+ of people making under $50k a year don't pay any. Assuming Uncle Sam=federal gov, I have to assume you are exaggerating your taxes at 40%, unless your wife isn't in a hospital group and is self employed, then maybe the 15% FICA would get you close, but that goes away at a pretty low threshold. I'd bet some zrickety bucks that your effective rate is closer to 20%, 25% if you count FICA.


Autocross Champion
NJ, one of the nice parts.
2017 GTI Sport
Organizations always release big news that they want to get a lot of press late on a Friday.

Oh wait.....that's when they release news they DON'T want to get exposure. My bad.


Autocross Champion
Not disagreeing with your points, but adding context: 61% is high, but over 50% paying no federal income tax is normal. I don't recall the exact numbers I read previously, but something like 80%+ of people making under $50k a year don't pay any. Assuming Uncle Sam=federal gov, I have to assume you are exaggerating your taxes at 40%, unless your wife isn't in a hospital group and is self employed, then maybe the 15% FICA would get you close, but that goes away at a pretty low threshold. I'd bet some zrickety bucks that your effective rate is closer to 20%, 25% if you count FICA.

I have no idea what he makes, but people should be offended that the government thinks so little of them that FICA exists in the first place. It's basically saying "hey, you're too stupid to save your money, we're going to do it for you." That doesn't even get into how the system has been abused as a petty cash fund for unsustainable government BS for years.

And the tax system. I hate the interest-free loan I give to the government every paycheck (the amount I get back at returns is interest free, anyway). Then there's all these stupid people that think they're getting free money from the government because its in a lump sum. But really, I would wager that his taxes are actually higher than 40%, when you add in sales tax, consumption taxes, registration fees, highway tolls, and environmental taxes (these aren't just on autos, but electric bills, phone bills, etc). Then there's the fact that people who make over a certain amount (I have no idea what zrick makes) are not eligible to participate in many government funded programs, so they're paying for things they can't use. Yes, I'm sure he also benefits from things like the highway system and local parks or whatever, but it's not all cut and dry.

Lastly, I'm convinced that the tax code is so over-complicated specifically so that the government can arrest anyone they want.... I'm sure nobody is actually paying everything they're supposed to pay.

Final point: @MagicMK that was a rant.