GTI Track Set Up

Dyno: squeeze the brakes quickly, don't stab. stabbing makes the system think you're panicing. if you apply smooth, constantly increasing pressure, HBA will stay off. if, at any time, during your braking you apply "too much" additional pressure, HBA kicks in. the key is finding what "too much" is. it definitely takes practice and is akin to learning how to threshold brake. good luck!

Johnny that technique is definately good advice. I have a question for you tho. I know you autocross the car. What pads do you run? I run hp+ and when the weather was colder I did not have as much of a problem with hba activating. For a track applying smooth constant pressure is easier then on a auto-x. Since turns in autox are different then on a track sometime it seems if I was able to break hard quickly w/o hba kicking in I would see better times. Usually I can find that happy medium, but on the courses that are tighter on smaller lots with less flow I have a terrible time with the hba. Jut curious if u have experience with the same problem.

johnny love

don't be an asshat.
Reston, VA
Johnny that technique is definately good advice. I have a question for you tho. I know you autocross the car. What pads do you run? ...

for autocross, i just run my street pads: Carbotech AX6. they give excellent cold, initial bite. (and the wear is excellent, too. some folks think they're too noisy; i like sounding like a tractor trailer.)

i rarely encounter HBA during autocross; maybe i've just learned how not to hit it? maybe it's braking just a tad earlier? maybe our courses aren't fast enough? i run street tires cuz i'm lazy; maybe they're not grippy enough? it's probably a combination of it all and i have been accused of not using the brakes :wink:

i'm thinking it's mainly the pads, though. don't the HP+ have to get warmed up a bit to work well?
for autocross, i just run my street pads: Carbotech AX6. they give excellent cold, initial bite. (and the wear is excellent, too. some folks think they're too noisy; i like sounding like a tractor trailer.)

i rarely encounter HBA during autocross; maybe i've just learned how not to hit it? maybe it's braking just a tad earlier? maybe our courses aren't fast enough? i run street tires cuz i'm lazy; maybe they're not grippy enough? it's probably a combination of it all and i have been accused of not using the brakes :wink:

i'm thinking it's mainly the pads, though. don't the HP+ have to get warmed up a bit to work well?

Yea, It does not take them too long to get warmed up. Usually one run and I'm good to go. I do break early. And I run Azenis so street tires too. I was just curious if you found it as big of a pain in the ass as I did. And as you said no breaking works well too. Sliding is fun, but thats not always the "safest" option depending on the course. Thanks.