Good Heel-Toe Breaking


Maryland, aac
mkV gti
i cant do it. And im not sure if its me not being able to flex my foot enough, the way im seated,
or if it is even possible in our cars:tongue: :.



dirty pirate hooker
Jersey, exit 138
tried to do this with heels and failed.


Passed Driver's Ed
It's easier to heel and toe these cars when you're REALLY trying to stop in a hurry, rather than casually doing it. I put my right leg up against the side of the driver footwell, and I never move it from there. So it's right there for the gas and to hit the brake you twist it to the left. So when you're breaking the toes of your right foot are hard on the break and you blip the throttle with your heel. I say it's easier when you're REALLY stopping because then when you're pushing that hard down on the brake the pedals line up well and it's quite natural to hit the gas with your heel. When you're driving a little more gingerly at street speeds (which is how you should practice before you get on the track) then it's more like ball-of-foot/side-of foot shifting. Give it a try. It took me a couple hundred miles to get smooth and good at it, but made up LOTS of time on the track once I got it down.


Maryland, aac
mkV gti
man o man do i need to practice. right now its a mix of slamming on the brakes, revving way to high, and bailing myself out with just plain breaking. I think im causing too much of a scene so ill chill around crowded areas.
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Maryland, aac
mkV gti
u know, if the pedal cluster were arranged to a left footed person, i think i would be able to complete this manuver flawlessly. I cant seem to manuver my right foot as well as i can with my left.

F U Righty's! U ruin EVERYTHING!!!!


Flying circles around VWs
3 wheels and wings
I hear there are many different techniques for this. I have been only able to do it in this car when i use my heel on the brake, and the toe on the gas. This works well for me anyways.


Passed Driver's Ed
Stuart, Florida
2007 Silver GTI
Now for another method. I find the VW peddle layout works very well for the method I have always used.

I put the left side of my right foot on the break and the right side on the gas. Then I rock my foot to blip the gas. Works for me.


Ready to race!
Austin, TX
The only way to get it is to keep practicing. Makes a hell of a difference on the track, if you ask me. Plus, when you do it right, it has no ill effects on the transmission (just normal clutch wear). Took me a bit to get used to doing it, due to the GTI's DBW, but once you get used to it, it's second nature.

I have huge feet (14), and find when I am autocrossing or at a track, I like to wear a wide, flat shoe -- skateboard style would probably be easiest to start with. Practice doing it when STOPPED first. Put your foot on the brake pedal while you're not moving, and find the "sweet spot" where you can safely stay on the brake pedal and blip the throttle with the right side of your shoe, by quickly rocking your leg to the right. Guys with smaller feet may be able to use the proper "heel/toe" method (ALWAYS use your toe on the brake, heel/side of foot on gas), but my long legs and large hooves will not allow me to do so. If you're not comfortable doing it, never put yourself in harm's way. Practice in parking lots....whatever it takes to do it safely.

...even with somewhat smaller feet, you can probably still blip the gas with the side of your foot pretty easily. Our pedals are really close together. Just make sure you have a solid footing on the brake pedal while you're doing it. That's the most important part.

</long winded>