Fat Bastards - Weight Watchers Thread


Go Kart Champion
Aurora, IL
Oh, no. I do that usually once every week or two. It just happened that I did it both yesterday and today this week out of convenience.

That is the other great thing about eating only a couple times a day, I gain a good chunk of time and money that would have been spent on food/cooking.


Go Kart Champion
I would like to lose a few pounds but I've been completely unsuccessful.

I eat alot of fast good but it's usually grilled chicken sandwich, salads, ham and turkey subs, things like that. No fries, no mayo, no sauces, and I stick to fresh brewed unsweetened iced tea or water with maybe a diet coke once a week. At home is lots of pasta, chicken, veggies. Snacks are usually cliff bars and things like that. Multigrain Cheerios with almond milk for breakfast.

I ride my bike to work as often as I can, it's about 13 miles each way. My main weekend hobby is mountain biking this past weekend I did a 30 mile rIDE on rocky rooted tight winding up and down single track dirt trails. I do obstacle course races (Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, Gladiator Asdault Challenge). I just ran a half marathon in Kentucky 2 weeks ago. We (my wife and I) just recently started swimming as well so we can try to get into doing some Triathalons towards the end of summer into fall, our ultimate goal is the Racine half Ironman (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run). We do some weight training as well, typically 2 days a week.

I can't really get anymore active without it being my whole life, I could probably improve my nutrition a little bit, most people view me as a health but already. I'm not sure what else to try to drop the weight. I'm 6'2" about 203 lbs, I have no fat in my arms or legs, it's just a little in the midsection and I can't get rid of it.


Go Kart Champion
I would like to lose a few pounds but I've been completely unsuccessful.

I eat alot of fast good but it's usually grilled chicken sandwich, salads, ham and turkey subs, things like that. No fries, no mayo, no sauces, and I stick to fresh brewed unsweetened iced tea or water with maybe a diet coke once a week. At home is lots of pasta, chicken, veggies. Snacks are usually cliff bars and things like that. Multigrain Cheerios with almond milk for breakfast.

I ride my bike to work as often as I can, it's about 13 miles each way. My main weekend hobby is mountain biking this past weekend I did a 30 mile rIDE on rocky rooted tight winding up and down single track dirt trails. I do obstacle course races (Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, Gladiator Asdault Challenge). I just ran a half marathon in Kentucky 2 weeks ago. We (my wife and I) just recently started swimming as well so we can try to get into doing some Triathalons towards the end of summer into fall, our ultimate goal is the Racine half Ironman (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run). We do some weight training as well, typically 2 days a week.

I can't really get anymore active without it being my whole life, I could probably improve my nutrition a little bit, most people view me as a health but already. I'm not sure what else to try to drop the weight. I'm 6'2" about 203 lbs, I have no fat in my arms or legs, it's just a little in the midsection and I can't get rid of it.

You might want to track your calories as accurately as possible (I mean even getting nutritional info from the restaurants you get fast food from) and measure your portions honestly for a week or so to see if your diet is out of whack a bit. Without knowing you personally, it sounds like the only possible thing that could be causing you to have lingering fat you can't burn is diet. You sound active as hell. You'd be surprised at how hidden calories and macro nutrient imbalances can creep up and haunt you.


Drag Race Newbie
Lombard, IL
Brian, nice work man. I've seen a lot about those other kinds of diets tho, where you essentially are fasting / starving yourself, i dunno.. I was looking into Isagenix as well, people at work have been losing mad weight on it, but its fairly expensive though and it just seems.. unnatural. I've been all over the place with weight, 290 down to 175, up to 225, down to 190, up to 230, down to 220, now im up to 250 :( my metabolism was never great, but at about age 29, it literally just died on me.


Go Kart Champion
Thanks John...yeah, I was seriously getting depressed about my body. Going to shop for clothes was a real nightmare...I dreaded it. Having to buy size 38, seeing myself with manboobs and huge love handles...sobering. I really had to hit what I considered rock bottom to just make the decisions necessary to make a change. Smoking a pack a day, eating TWO double cheeseburgers and a medium (or large) fry at McDonalds and following it up with a king size bar of Hershey's chocolate was just disgusting and shameful. This was a daily thing. One day was McDonalds, the next was a number 7 at Taco Bell AND a Meximelt...maybe that day I'd switch the Hershey's bar for a roll of Shockers. It's crazy. I can't even imagine what the caloric intake was back then...probably 3500-4000 calories.

As far as metabolism, I can agree. All the time I spend at the gym has really reversed that for me though. I feel energized every day. I wake up alert in the morning, come home energized from work/gym every day, and have a positive outlook every day...even though I'm not yet where I need to be physically, I know I'm doing exactly what it takes to get there and I can look at guys in the gym that are there and know it's not out of reach for me.


Drag Race Newbie
Lombard, IL
Thanks John...yeah, I was seriously getting depressed about my body. Going to shop for clothes was a real nightmare...I dreaded it. Having to buy size 38, seeing myself with manboobs and huge love handles...sobering. I really had to hit what I considered rock bottom to just make the decisions necessary to make a change. .

dude, that is kinda where im at now^. Got into a 38 almost 6mos ago or so and the manboobs are back in effect as well, and yeah, i think with having a newborn (my first bio child), and am now seeing the writing on the wall more than ever, so im back on track at this time.

As far as metabolism, I can agree. All the time I spend at the gym has really reversed that for me though. I feel energized every day. I wake up alert in the morning, come home energized from work/gym every day, and have a positive outlook every day...even though I'm not yet where I need to be physically, I know I'm doing exactly what it takes to get there and I can look at guys in the gym that are there and know it's not out of reach for me

indeed, the gym helps, but it seems to take even more working out and even more strict eating and as said by someone else, i cant eat much at all it seems like.
38 here as well, and it was getting tight.

I am 6' tall and started at 252lbs when I joined WW. The heaviest I have ever been. I was so friggen miserable having to unbutton my pants to be comfortable on the couch that I finally said enough and I was going to do something about it.

I'm telling you though, WW is awesome if you have OCD. :)


Go Kart Champion
You adjust, John. What seems like a little food ends up being normal after you cut back for a while. I actually feel stuffed off much less food now than I used to. I'd probably not even be able to eat what I used to without feeling physically ill/bloated now. It definitely takes a little more effort at our ages than it did in our teens but it's not like it's double or triple the work. It's the initial motivation to get started that takes the most effort, in my opinion. I know in my case, it took enormous determination to make all the changes simultaneously...but I knew I couldn't only do some things and not the rest (i.e. go to the gym and continue to smoke or eat junk).


Go Kart Champion
Keep us posted, because I need some motivation. Like others have said, my diets last about a week, then tend to die out slowly. But in this week or two that I dieted, I actually lost a pound or two, so it wasn't a complete waste, but LoseIt for Android really helped me keep track of my consumption. Hopefully now during the summer I can focus on it more than usual.


Go Kart Champion
38 here as well, and it was getting tight.

I am 6' tall and started at 252lbs when I joined WW. The heaviest I have ever been. I was so friggen miserable having to unbutton my pants to be comfortable on the couch that I finally said enough and I was going to do something about it.

I'm telling you though, WW is awesome if you have OCD. :)

God yeah...the unbuttoning thing is the worst. You feel like a beached whale having to do shit like that.


Go Kart Champion
dude, that is kinda where im at now^. Got into a 38 almost 6mos ago or so and the manboobs are back in effect as well, and yeah, i think with having a newborn (my first bio child), and am now seeing the writing on the wall more than ever, so im back on track at this time.

indeed, the gym helps, but it seems to take even more working out and even more strict eating and as said by someone else, i cant eat much at all it seems like.

GunKata - Since you are soon to be K04 and even more racekor now you have motivation to drop a few lbs.

My weight has been up and down in the last few years by about 20lbs or so. I'm 26 and am currently in the process of trying to shed about 20lbs or so (I weigh around 225) I have a larger build and can put on muscle easy but staying lean is always a challenge. When I was in high school I used to work out 5-6 days a week and could bench about 290lbs. Lately I've been working out a lot and trying to run 4-5 times a week. I've cut my portion sizes down and have cut out almost all junk food. I've laid off the booze for a bit as well, which is the hardest damn part!


Go Kart Champion
I've laid off the booze for a bit as well, which is the hardest damn part!

Definitely...I'd probably be another 10 lbs closer to my goal if I cut that out completely. I did cut down a bit, though. I was drinking sometimes 4-5 days a week (I know, terrible) prior to 2012. 2-3 days a week is a start though I really would not be pleased if I had no choice but to eliminate beer/wine/whiskey.