April 2013 Fast Track


SteelCities SCCA AutoX
08 GTI
Just wondering if any of you fellow autox'rs have heard about the proposed changes for 2014/2015 yet. It's sparked a ton of debate on other more autox related forums as these are the biggest changes the sport has made since it basically started. The changes mostly affect every stock class. So before you plan on going in some other direction because you don't want to spend big money hoosiers to play in a stock class, think again!


Stock - Names changes to "Street"
1. 140TW Tires for all classes in 2014, in 2015 this goes up to 200TW :thumbsup:
2. Allowance for Camber adjustment on MacStrut based cars... includes camber plates :thumbsup:
3. Shocks limited to 2 adjustment knobbies :thumbsup:
4. Wheel allowance of +/- 1 inch in diameter from stock :thumbsup:
5. Addition/subtraction of both sway bars :yikes:
6. SS, AS, and FS would probably be moved to Limited Prep SP Classes if they wanted to keep playing on Hoosiers. :yikes:

And in case you haven't read or interested in reading the Fast Track (starts Page 21):

None of this is a done deal. There are lots of talks going on still and some of these proposals will probably fall by the way side. A lot of the high HP SS and AS guys are pretty freaked out by having to move somewhere else and giving up theiry HoHo's but the lower HP class folks don't seem to have to big of a bone to pick. Personally, I think this a great opportunity to expand the popularity of the sport and get new people hooked on something that every auto enthusiast should try at least once. It also solves a lot of the problems that limit us in the autox world with modern VW's. Who knows this might help the MK7 be an AutoX monster!!!