Sogotron 6000
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  • Yeah, posting pics is relatively easy. You upload them to a photo sharing service like Flickr or Picasa first. I use Picasa. Then, in the web-interface of Picasa, select the picture you want to post. Once it's selected (clicked on), you should see a link that says "Link to this photo". You click on that, then select the "image only" checkbox, and select the size of photo you want. I recommend 400px maximum width.

    Once you get that link copied, to your photo hosted at Picasa, come back to the forum and click the icon that looks like a yellow postcard with a mountain on it. Paste your link into that area, and press okay, and Presto! You're done!

    For example:
    Sure. Well my code is 1171 you can try that but I think they're randomized sorta. All you need to do is go to your local vw dealership and give them the numbers off the side of the unit and they should give you a code. That's what I did. Let me know how you do.
    I am unsure because i just ran mine off the stock setup. literally just swapped speakers. considering that the door speakers from the M3 are 3ohm an 21watt. so i wouldnt think an amp would be good.
    Hey, I don't run my speakers off of an amp. I just upgraded the head unit to an Alpine CDA-105, and it sounds great.

    I linked to both speaker sets in my post - look for the underlined words. That's exactly where I got both of them. The MB Quart set's model number is PVI164, and the JL Audio set's model number is C2350X.
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