Change of venue?


From a planet far away!
In the Mountains
Sunbeam Imp Sport
From how I remember it, only AP has been around a bit longer than me on here, but it really seems that all the newer users come on, make a fuss, and then start to whinge take the piss with n00b questions and leave.

I don't think it will matter if it was here, golfnet, vortex, watercooled - if it is the same sub-set people, you wade through the same bullshit.

If you want a proper technical forum, you need to go to the USA. If you want to bitch and natter like nannas, maybe you should start a knitting club?


Go Kart Champion
The only way for things to not get out of hand is if people don't take things too seriously.
i.e. don't take criticism of the car they drive as a personal insult against them.

I've noticed on the UK forums, they are more receptive of criticism than are the Aussies. They don't take things so personally nor do they resort to taking pot shots when someone makes a negative comment of a particular car (which they happen to own). I've seen them even agree with the critic and add a few more cons to the list.

In that way, I feel their forums are more honest and informative. There isn't a ulterior motive to perserve the resale value of the car they own or the "My penis is bigger than yours" syndrome.


lolwut... ??
I post regularly lol

IMO both forums are great and I'll be on them at least once or twice a day, they both have pros and afaik no cons. I don't think they are competing together Justin, It's always good to have a local forum as well as a international forum with lots of knowledge on the MKV model.

Justin Fox

Ready to race!
To be honest I was mistreated on the other forum..

As I mentioned to you over the phone Anthony. I still fail to see why you place so much value into what Ramspeed have to say.

I understand that Ramspeed had a "dig" or "go" at you on VWG. Once I was made aware of it not only did I delete Ramspeed posts. I also sent them a warning (in fact we're meeting to discuss the future of their sponsorship on VWG in a few weeks time).

My job as a moderator is not to take sides with mates. It's to look at the bigger picture and put the forums interest first. It's not easy to walk that line at times, especially when mates can't understand or respect that.

I agree with a few points above. When someone gets way too serious about something, that's when things start to go wrong on a forum. I love a heated debate but it's pretty obvious that the tuner/workshop wars on got out of control due to a certain group of AP/CPC fans (you know who they are).

If you stopped to see it fro an outside perspective, only you guys were in the boat with Ramspeed. The rest of the forum seemed to be a little confused, and if anything, sick of the war between Ramspeed and CPC (note that CPC were not arguing at all, it was you guys who were doing all the arguing for them?).

And not sure if I'm correct in this, but I was a huge fan of your initial R32 build thread on these very forums a few years ago. I remember reading pages and pages of negativity fired towards your build (which was so epic I failed to see why people would hate on such a left of field build).

I also remember certain members of this forum making fun of Christina for being Daddy's girl simply for buying an R32 Golf. If that's not considered being "mistreated" then I don't know what is.


Ready to race!
'08 CW 5dr. GTI
Wow, this forum just came alive again!

LULZ guys.

Right, flame me if you want, but I will play peacemaker one last time.

Justin I don't think the war is between CPC and Ramspeed at all. The pot shot were taken against AP. I remember this when I'm away on holiday an it didn't die down after I came back.
So it's not tuner fight but rather an individual. But Ramspeed came in all arrogant and they are a business.

Put it in this perspective, if Ramspeed was just a normal member having a dig and caused stirrup, wouldn't you just banned him like other members?

AP is also a human being that has feeling. Seeing you "jumping ship" probably did a number on him, dude.

Again I didn't mean to stir shit up by posting this thread. Just saying hello to some old faces.

Justin Fox

Ready to race!
I never jumped ship Tendy. I just refused to get in the boat with you guys who were all taking things way too seriously in my opinion.

Personally (speaking as me, and not as a moderator). I didn't consider the pot shots to be that bad? It's not like he was threatening AP, or any member of his family with violence, nor was he being racist, nor was he using any rude words.

He was simply pretending to not know anything about this AP fellow and he indirectly (this is the key word here) suggested that they do not build Frankenstein cars which saw AP get VERY worked up. Yes a pot shot but is that ban worthy? I didn't think so but like I mentioned, warnings were sent (I did my job).

If anything the written abuse Ramspeed has copped in their own trading room from some of you guys has been ban worthy. Sure Ramspeed may have used some false marketing jargon. For example "Australia's first etc etc." but like you said, business is business. You of all people know that in business there is marketing, some of it's great, some of it's crap and if Ramspeed choose to go down the route of using crap marketing then so be it, they'll loose out to many people in the know (but it's their call to make).

We all have different values in the end of the day. People take pot shots at me, and my forums all the time, on this forum, on my own forums, you name it. I don't go crying to moderators to come to my rescue though, nor do I go to lengths of publicly announcing that I'm leaving a forum (which I personally consider to be a desperate attempt to do harm rather than good).


Ready to race!
MKV GTI Pirelli
I don't know if you should remove Ramspeed as your sponsor, I mean they pay you money so they can advertise on your forum, however they want to act is totally up to them. I regularly read VWG even though I have a small number of posts but judging from what I've read I doubt I would ever use their company for any services I would require for my car.

Forums are a good place to learn and get information - and what I've learnt is Ramspeed seem to be pretty cocky in how they present themselves online. Yet a lot of people don't like APR Australia, Guy_H seems present himself quite well online


Ready to race!
Sydney Australia
R36 Twin Turbo Golf
Are you implying that I said those thongs about Christina? You better not be!! I've never said a bad word about Christina, nor will I...
I never started anything with Ramspeed.. They started with me and you just let them get away with.
To say things like I left your forum because of Jose is just denial!! I left because of the way you run and handle the forum and its members.
I've known Jose for a long time and meet on this forum! I have nothing but respect for him, but to say he isn't bias towards Ramspeed is a joke.. Anyone says a thing about Ramspeed he is all over them.. He may be diplamatic, but also is human with emotions like myself..
Justin you love Drama, thats why your here posting all this crap!

There is nothing wrong with competition but the way Ramspeed handles themselves on your forum is just arrogant and rude.. Like Tendy said!! Had that been a forum member they would have been band like you ban manol yesterday for expressing his opinion.. Yes he used bad language and that's a forum rule you shouldn't break, But he was ban for other reasons..
But seriously of course you are in competition with this and other forums.. You need the members to increase you traffic flow and then increase your sponsors..

This isn't the place for you to cone and air your dirty laundry..

Justin Fox

Ready to race!
Spot on bwen.

No offence to Ramspeed, not sure exactly what marketing school they went to, but it's not the kind of marketing I respect.

Also, you've got to be in it to win it and I'm glad CPC have hopped on board as VWG sponsors too. I've seen great work from both of these companies, yet both of them conduct themselves in completely different ways.

Sure some people might fall for certain types of marketing, but others clearly won't. If anything all the commotion has helped people to decide what's right or wrong which is exactly what I use forums for myself (research and research some more before I buy anything).

Justin Fox

Ready to race!
Are you implying that I said those thongs about Christina? You better not be!!

Not at all AP. Again you've read my words out of context. Completely completely wrong dude. I know who said those things about Christina (funny as I consider him a mate now haha). I was talking about some members from this forum mistreating you in your build thread and Christina

To say things like I left your forum because of Jose is just denial!!
What the? I never said that?

Justin you love Drama, thats why your here posting all this crap!
I thought I've been constructive with my posts. It's you who's obviously adding the drama AP, just check how many exclamation marks you've used in your post above...