BMW reveals 1-series M Coupe!


Go Kart Champion
06 A3 sport
Ignoring the hugely capable cars they make....

this is just a useless post playing on a tired stereotype that has been beat to death for over 20 years. Real groundbreaking

For the last few years, BMW has been the go-to-choice for:

80% -ass-hats.
16%-badge junkies with no joy for driving.
3%-badge junkies who like to drive.
1%-Car lovers who chose the BMW b/c it was the best for them.

But now a good amount of the ass-hats and badge junkies(with no driving interest) are going to Audi. Perfect timing because I like this car quite a lot.


Ready to race!
Ignoring the hugely capable cars they make....

this is just a useless post playing on a tired stereotype that has been beat to death for over 20 years. Real groundbreaking

Of course it's a stereotype, and a very common one but how am I "playing on a tired stereotype" when I'm directly saying that the stereotype is going away? My post has nothing to do with beating on BMW or their "hugely capable cars".

If you read my last sentence, you would see my point is that I like this car and it comes at a perfect time because the stigma of BMW's being driven mainly by idiots is fading away.


Go Kart Champion
06 A3 sport
Well for starters you've been gracious enough to point out that all the dbags are in the process of moving on to audi. I'm sure nothing but factual data is contained in your post.

Of course it's a stereotype, and a very common one but how am I "playing on a tired stereotype" when I'm directly saying that the stereotype is going away? My post has nothing to do with beating on BMW or their "hugely capable cars".

If you read my last sentence, you would see my point is that I like this car and it comes at a perfect time because the stigma of BMW's being driven mainly by idiots is fading away.


Ready to race!
Well for starters you've been gracious enough to point out that all the dbags are in the process of moving on to audi. I'm sure nothing but factual data is contained in your post.

It is the endless cycle.

Idiots will flock to any car co. if they are able to make a potent model range that is equal to/or better than the rival company or whatnot.

Audi has been building muscle and building it fast. Example, older S4's and RS4's were always trying to deliver kill-shot to the M3 but they were never really there. However, the current S4/RS4 is at point-blank range of the M3. Same goes for the A4 vs 3 series, A6 vs 5 series, A8 vs. 7 series. They're all on par if not better than the BMW rival.

Audi is getting the recognition for building among the best (if not the best) machines, very much like the attention BMW got back when.

BMW Dbags will go to Audi. Honda/Toyota Dbags will go to Hyundai.etc etc.
Not immediately, but soon.

This is actually a good indicator for a company to use on whether their cars are any good. It reassures them that they are making better things than the other guy.

I think that's theoretically valid.


However, the current S4/RS4 is at point-blank range of the M3.

The "current" S4/RS4 blow if you are refering to the 4.2 versions of either. The Rs4 on average is 50hp OVERratated from the factory most barely pull 350-375hp crank. I say average because the engine is so terrible that they vary incredibliy. The S4 4.2 is just a noise maker that goes no where fast only sounds like it. That engine is also a terrible hunk of crap again with an aluminum block that have tolerances so big you could compare the bores to a vagina a of women in labor as far as how much they change between cylinders and just between hot and cold. Both have horrendous oil consumption issues that result in carbon build up that make 2.0t intake valves look like sterile lab equipment. They get so gunked up that the heads need to be pulled so the valves can be cleaned or replaced. The Rs4s require tanking the intake manifold every 20-30K miles or so.

The actual current S4 with the 3.0SC is going to be amazing once people really start digging into them, the siemens ecus slowed lots of people down for a while but things are getting going. There is no current RS4 hopefully the next doesn't have an engine like the 4.2 which was garbage.

The only thing the Rs4 had going for it was the initial V8 M3s were so terrible that people who had deposits on them got their money back and went and bought brand new RS4s sitting on the lot that were only marignally better but could be had for 20K off sticker vs the over sticker M3s.

Also if you are going to pass off ideas as your own, Clarkson referred to the BMW owners as cocks not d-bags that were all converting over the Audi. If you can't come up with your own material at least use the right terms :)


Ready to race!
San Francisco
It is the endless cycle.

Idiots will flock to any car co. if they are able to make a potent model range that is equal to/or better than the rival company or whatnot.

Audi has been building muscle and building it fast. Example, older S4's and RS4's were always trying to deliver kill-shot to the M3 but they were never really there. However, the current S4/RS4 is at point-blank range of the M3. Same goes for the A4 vs 3 series, A6 vs 5 series, A8 vs. 7 series. They're all on par if not better than the BMW rival.

Audi is getting the recognition for building among the best (if not the best) machines, very much like the attention BMW got back when.

BMW Dbags will go to Audi. Honda/Toyota Dbags will go to Hyundai.etc etc.
Not immediately, but soon.

This is actually a good indicator for a company to use on whether their cars are any good. It reassures them that they are making better things than the other guy.

I think that's theoretically valid.

So people are idiots and dbags for purchasing cars that are equal to/better than the ones made by their rivals?? :iono:


Ready to race!
So people are idiots and dbags for purchasing cars that are equal to/better than the ones made by their rivals?? :iono:

Ok yeah, I see how you can think that from my post but....

I'm only explaining the movement of dbags and how easy it can be determined. Not what makes a person an idiot or dbag.

There is only one reason BMW(or any brand) attracts dbag drivers.
This is how it works and always will work for dbags:

Idiot buys BMW b/c he hears they're fast and everyone says they're the best!
Idiot has fun saying how nothing else compares to their BMW.
Audi starts to make things just as good, if not better than BMW.
Idiot gets scared b/c BMW is no longer the definite "top dog".
Idiot thinks, "Audi's are now so nice, ppl will be impressed if I had an Audi."
Idiot goes and buys an Audi.

This is not how a smart consumer thinks about his next car purchase. A NON-dbag will think about the car regardless of what people say and what ends up being the best for them. Not for bragging rights or badge flashing.

Replace "BMW" and "Audi" with any other loyalist car/barnd and it will be true in explaining why the dbags moved to that car/brand. EVO and STI. Honda/Toyota and Hyundai. etc etc etc.


Ready to race!
Also if you are going to pass off ideas as your own, Clarkson referred to the BMW owners as cocks not d-bags that were all converting over the Audi. If you can't come up with your own material at least use the right terms :)

Yeah I know Clarkson said such things but he never explained why, to the best of my memory.

Besides, by no means do I believe it simply because he said it. THAT would be a dbag/cock/idiot/asshat thing to do.

I arrived to it from my own experiences on other forums and talking to Audi drivers (there are a lot who were, until recently, pure-blooded BMW advocates)
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Go Kart Champion
06 A3 sport
I drive an audi.... guess he's right :) I almost mentioned the top gear part too.....

Yeah I know Clarkson said such things but he never explained why, to the best of my memory.

Besides, by no means do I believe it simply because he said it. THAT would be a dbag/cock/idiot/asshat thing to do.

I arrived to it from my own experiences on other forums and talking to Audi drivers (there are a lot who were, until recently, pure-blooded BMW advocates)


Ready to race!
I drive an audi.... guess he's right :) I almost mentioned the top gear part too.....

One can drive an Audi and be a perfectly great person, you probably are.

Cocks drive Audi's, but not all Audi drivers are cocks. Same went for BMW and same will be true for whatever car co. comes next

No absolutes, just if you were a dbag who bought a BMW just because everyone said BMW was the supreme ruler of the segment, then right now you're probably wanting an Audi.


Retired Racer
Problem is idiot drivers ruin the car for everyone else. Higher insurance rates, negative image, profiling from cops, and even harassment from cops.

I will defer to my Subaru WRX, which I owned in 2002... initially people just saw a Subaru and smiled or could care less. I had a loud ass stinky catless exhaust popping flames and no one cared. A few years later, my insurance rates went up and I had a perfect driving record with no violations or even parking tickets... cops began to tail me everywhere i went... people's smiles turned into scorns... people wanted to race me at every light. Soon, the cops pulled me over and gave me exhaust tickets. At this point i had switched to a quiet legal exhaust, which is ironic... and despite it passing the sound check, I still got harassed regularly for exhaust... and when I showed them the certificate, they tried to get me for something else. All this really ruined my experience with the car, especially when I was having problems with the car itself.

anyways, i don't know why a turbo BMW turns me off... I've owned nothing but turbo cars for the last 10 years, but wouldn't want a turbo BMW.


Ready to race!
Portland, OR
The 1M will actually be a M2 when it hits the dealers. BMW 1-series as we currently know it will become the 2-series. The new 1-series is a new FWD platform about the size of a Mini. The "M2" in it's current body will only be a 2011-2012 model and then gone.


Ready to race!
San Francisco
The 1M will actually be a M2 when it hits the dealers. BMW 1-series as we currently know it will become the 2-series. The new 1-series is a new FWD platform about the size of a Mini. The "M2" in it's current body will only be a 2011-2012 model and then gone.

Did you forget the green font or something? Why would BMW release a car to the press as the "1 Series M Coupe" only to change the name to "M2" when it hits dealers a few months later? That sounds an epic marketing FAIL to me. Let's separate speculation from fact before people start believing false rumors.


Ready to race!
The sky
whats the spec on the m1?