The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


Drag Racing Champion

The COVID19 SCAMdemic... When You Dont Like Truth, Just Block People Like Any Genius Would Do To Create Altered Truth Free Of Criticism​

Quoted for posterity
You know very well that it doesn't have anything to do with me "not liking the truth." I was more than willing to debate the people I've blocked, but they've acted like total a-hole douche bags by throwing ad hom insult after insult. So, yeah, I'm not a kid, and this isn't an elementary school playground. You wanna be a jackass, then the ignore button is all to easy to employ. I disagree with you all of the time, but haven't "ignored" you. Zrick I totally disagree with, yet he's (mostly) a respectful guy - so, clearly no need to block him. Same goes for Jim. Anoqueero, Baby Hombre, and Cry Jayby have all more than earned their ignores.


Drag Racing Champion
LOLOLOL the faux vaccines that Israel found 39% effective? At best, they are simulating the virus for your natural immune system to mount a defense. To say they are more effective when 99% survived before the vaccine is laughable. You do understand that they do not create antibodies themselves, right? And case numbers being significantly higher this year with the vaccine proves they are worthless.
Not true at all - and a total misrepresentation as per usual. Israel loved the Pfizer vaccine - most of the population got their shots, unlike in the USA. They found out, however, being in the Middle East and close to India... that the Delta version of COVID was able to pierce the mRNA vaccines after a period of months after the second injection (6 months in particular). That's why Israel was the first... not to criticize the Pfizer vax as "bad," but to recommend even MORE of the Pfizer vax after 6 months as a booster shot. So, totally disagree with your statement.


Drag Racing Champion
Interestingly, I was going through my medical record, and I have an exemption for the varicella vaccine (chickenpox). The reason? Because I already contracted and was sick with the virus as a child. After seeing studies that show previous infection precludes serious illness or death from covid, I'm wondering why we don't treat it that way. Is it really such a different virus than any other that makes people sick, or is there an agenda?
Chickenpox doesn't kill you, first of all. Second, Chickenpox has not been found to mutate similar to COVID. Since the chickenpox vax is only a few decades old, it's not clear how long lasting it is at this point, but clearly it has shown much longer efficacy against chickenpox (infection) than any of the COVID vaccines have shown.

Some viruses, such as polio, measles and mumps, do not change a lot, hence the vaccines continue to be effective. In contrast, influenza changes every year, so people receive a new flu vaccine to protect against it.
“The vaccine is the protection,” said Prof. Meital Gal Tanamy, head of the Molecular Virology Lab at Bar-Ilan University’s Faculty of Medicine. “The period of protection is dependent on the vaccine and the virus.”

“A variant is a virus that contains mutations, and if it has evolutionary advantages, it can take over in the population,” she said, adding that this is what happened with the Delta variant. “The other question is how effective against these variants the vaccines we have will be.”
Coronavirus is an RNA virus, which means it changes. However, its mutation rate is three to four times less compared with the influenza virus, which is good news for vaccine makers, Gal Tanamy said.


Autocross Champion
You know very well that it doesn't have anything to do with me "not liking the truth." I was more than willing to debate the people I've blocked, but they've acted like total a-hole douche bags by throwing ad hom insult after insult. So, yeah, I'm not a kid, and this isn't an elementary school playground. You wanna be a jackass, then the ignore button is all to easy to employ. I disagree with you all of the time, but haven't "ignored" you. Zrick I totally disagree with, yet he's (mostly) a respectful guy - so, clearly no need to block him. Same goes for Jim. Anoqueero, Baby Hombre, and Cry Jayby have all more than earned their ignores.
I was just quoting it, the titles change a lot around here.


Autocross Champion
Chickenpox doesn't kill you, first of all. Second, Chickenpox has not been found to mutate similar to COVID. Since the chickenpox vax is only a few decades old, it's not clear how long lasting it is at this point, but clearly it has shown much longer efficacy against chickenpox (infection) than any of the COVID vaccines have shown.
False. Have you ever heard of shingles? People die from it; it's caused by the same virus as chickenpox. My argument was about forced vaccines in spite of natural immunity. Yes, covid mutates, but that's more of an argument against vaccinations (cost, likelihood of contraction regardless) just like there's no vaccination for the common cold (which, coincidentally, is a type of coronavirus). And before you say it, yes, I realize that the common cold is not deadly like covid, but the point is about forced vaccinations and frequency of viral mutation, not symptoms associated with viral infection.


Autocross Champion
Hither and thither
You know very well that it doesn't have anything to do with me "not liking the truth." I was more than willing to debate the people I've blocked, but they've acted like total a-hole douche bags by throwing ad hom insult after insult. So, yeah, I'm not a kid, and this isn't an elementary school playground. You wanna be a jackass, then the ignore button is all to easy to employ. I disagree with you all of the time, but haven't "ignored" you. Zrick I totally disagree with, yet he's (mostly) a respectful guy - so, clearly no need to block him. Same goes for Jim. Anoqueero, Baby Hombre, and Cry Jayby have all more than earned their ignores.
Lol. What a lying sack of shit.


The Fixer
Amish and Sweden got it right, the rest of us are flailing.
100%. The Amish are the ultimate control group, and infinitely healthier than most Americans. They don't vaccinate for anything, and they are better for it.


The Fixer


Autocross Champion
The land of Wyatt Earp & Doc Holliday
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