The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


Autocross Champion
Just some random guy who owns a GTI. I mostly lurk here and the other sections, because just about every question that could be asked about a GTI has already been asked. So I search a lot. After all, we don’t need any more “original” threads consisting of “hey, can these cars be tuned?”… “what is the best tune?”… “what oil should I use?” … “what octane gas should I use for my 93 octane tune?” (smdh) … and so on. 😉
I so don't agree with you guys on this one. A forum is a terrible way to catalog information... it's not a wiki or an encyclopedia. There are no definitive answers or consensus. I sure don't want to search a site for loads of time when what I want is to drop a fast question. You may not know the search terms, you may not want to read through five hundred million results from your search or read through page after page of long threads. You may not know what you are looking for or who to trust.

Additionally a forum is a social construct. People want to interact and ask their specific question and get help. You don't have to help them if you don't want to and remember this is a community. If they first thing a new users sees is "don't bother us, your not worthy, you haven't looked enough, you're doing it wrong, you haven't earned my help" then there is a good chance they could just turn around and leave when they might have been a valuable member of the neighborhood.

In the immortal words of Larry Flint... "If you don't like Hustler magazine then don't read it".


Autocross Champion
'11 GTI
I so don't agree with you guys on this one. A forum is a terrible way to catalog information... it's not a wiki or an encyclopedia. There are no definitive answers or consensus. I sure don't want to search a site for loads of time when what I want is to drop a fast question. You may not know the search terms, you may not want to read through five hundred million results from your search or read through page after page of long threads. You may not know what you are looking for or who to trust.

Additionally a forum is a social construct. People want to interact and ask their specific question and get help. You don't have to help them if you don't want to and remember this is a community. If they first thing a new users sees is "don't bother us, your not worthy, you haven't looked enough, you're doing it wrong, you haven't earned my help" then there is a good chance they could just turn around and leave when they might have been a valuable member of the neighborhood.

In the immortal words of Larry Flint... "If you don't like Hustler magazine then don't read it".
Hard disagree. Our forum search functions are hot garbage, but "SEARCH QUERY golfmk6/mk6 gti/etc." on Google has given me the answer to almost every single question I've ever needed to know the answer to. If you leverage Google to search the forum, it very much becomes a great, organized wiki. Vastly superior to the endless stream of posts on FB Groups.

Asking questions to engage the community is totally fine, and I've certainly made use of our "random/stupid questions" thread. I have no problem with newbies asking good questions and wanting to learn about the platform or cars in general -- I realize not everyone with a recently purchased Golf has been into cars their whole life.
But after the 100th "what oil should I use?" or "drop links to good mods", the lazy people wanting to be spoon-fed basic information start to become incredibly grating. They need to learn how to do the most basic of research. I don't want to engage with someone that refuses to do any legwork and expects you to give them links/lists for everything.

It's generally pretty easy to tell who's who between the "gimme gimme gimmes" and "hey, can you help me learn?" users. The latter can ask all the questions they want, the former can get bent.


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
NJ, one of the nice parts.
2017 GTI Sport
If you walked into a Library you could search for the information or just ask the Librarian where to find it.

Guess which is quicker.

Starting a new conversation isn't a burden on the forum. It takes just as much effort to tell someone to use the search as it does to just answer the question.


Autocross Champion
'11 GTI
Murder isn't contagious.
The Stay at Home Moms with Nothing Better to Do Against Violent Video Games would like to disagree :ROFLMAO:


Autocross Champion
Because that is a ludicrous false equivalence.

Murder isn't contagious.

The people who live in these communities don't think this should be downplayed on the basis it's not contagious.

"We've put a lot of resources and time into the COVID pandemic," Trayon White, the councilman of Ward 8, said following the July 16 killing of 6-year-old Nyiah Courtney in his area, according to the station. "We're in a pandemic right now when it comes to crime in this community and we got to start acting it."


Autocross Champion
NJ, one of the nice parts.
2017 GTI Sport
The people who live in these communities don't think this should be downplayed on the basis it's not contagious.
Of course the people of those communities view it as a high priority since it's happening right in front of them.

The Democrats being weak on crime is probably true (they're weak on many fronts) but that isn't anything new. That's just where the magnifying glass has been placed to take attention off the things Republicans are bungling themselves.


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
But do you keep your johnson rod lubed? I understand that mayo works well.
We absolutely do not perform that function in our service bays. We have mayo to sell and will rent out a service bay for self lubing. 😂