The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


Autocross Champion
2016 GTI, 2018 ZL1
I always have the latest flagship phone by the way. Swipe typing is different than autocorrect. Proof reading before you click on post reply would be wise.
What special features does the flagship jitterbug phone have? A built in day-of-the-week medicine dispenser?


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
I support the standards we have in place for government accredited information systems. I am aware of the guy's personal bias, and comfortable knowing if something is discovered it will be audited again and again until we're satisfied with all persons conducting the assessment. I have little to no concern about him lying to the entire US, well knowing his work will be scrutinized to the highest standard.

It gets old hearing emotional responses like "wow you sure do support a conspiracy theorist", when I am correcting incorrect statements such as like "This company has no experience auditing", when their credentials are quite literally based around just that. It's a gross moving of goal-post for the entire conversation, and personally disingenuous, emotional thinking.

Are you going to tell me which companies have experience with election audits at this scale, or which certifications are necessary to perform an election audit? As a business, how would you select someone to perform an audit that has never been done before? It's okay if you don't know the answers to any of these questions, just say I don't know and stop setting impossible standards.
They have ruined many ballots by using blue ink pens until they were told to use red. And it was already audited 3 times before these clowns and it was certified by the AZ governor who is a huge Trump supporter.

Cyber Ninjas has never conducted an election audit.

You can Google the companies if you wish to. There's no point in me wasting time when nothing is going to change your opinion.
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Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
Obvious changes like Peruvian are easy to spot, but if I'm trying to type infectious and it predicts infection, it's easy to miss.

Maybe you fucktards should stop worrying about being grammar nazis instead of me having to proof read posts on a fucking car forum.
Then quit making excuses and I will.


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
No one has ever conducted a forensic election audit at this scale Jim.

Stop wasting your time then, you're clearly ignoring the information I have provided to you that you can't be bothered to validate. This company is credentialed to perform audits of information systems, which is the medium that was used to process and record the election.

There's no point in me wasting my time when you are going to demand a higher standard but continue to ignore my questions. Can you name the companies who have experience with election audits at this scale? Can you name the certifications necessary to perform an election audit?

Sounds like you're saying other professionals have also had their hands on the recount, possibly these magic "election auditors" you guys are demanding. Safe to say you can put that impossible standard to bed since the physical data has been handled by multiple parties. That just leaves information system auditing, which is what this group is certified to do.

Who cares about what color the ink pens were? It's such an inconsequential thing considering the degree of electronic data being processed. Yea they made some errors, those ballots will probably need to be manually adjudicated, happens every election, turns out we have a process for handling human error.
The State of Arizona already conducted 3 audits. The ink color is extremely important. Blue ink was an acceptable color for people to mark their choice of candidates.


The Fixer
What special features does the flagship jitterbug phone have? A built in day-of-the-week medicine dispenser?
This sounds good...can you send one to Joe Biden??


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
Are you concerned the ballots that were marked won't be adjudicated by a trained and qualified person?
Maybe if they can find a trained and qualified person. Cyber Ninjas doesn't have anyone. By the way the Cyber Ninjas audit has been going on for nearing 3 months and at the last reported progress report of a few days ago they had checked 400,000 out of the 2.1 million ballots. At this rate they should be done sometime in 2022.
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Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate
Meanwhile, in the real world, 3 healthy pilots DEAD in one week from the vaccine. Union says NO to mandatory shots.

Nothing about the dead pilots in that article & the only reason they couldn't force the vaccinations on their pilots was that its not mandatory by the Gov & therfore possible legal backlash...anyway they offered an incentive of extra pay for those who are vaccinated..

Since the COVID vaccination is not mandatory, pilots who elect not to be vaccinated will not be subject to any discipline," the agreement stated.
The agreement between the airline and the union also adds that those pilots who have been vaccinated would be eligible for extra pay.
American Airlines had said in January it does not plan to make vaccinations mandatory for pilots and other employees unless it was mandatory for entry into certain destinations.
While private U.S. companies can require employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19, experts have said they could put themselves at risk of legal and cultural backlash if they do so.



Autocross Champion
Well audits do take time. I'm sure everything will be okay in the end. There's probably nothing to find anyway.
We already know there was nothing to find, it was already audited by competent people that were qualified. No audit should have taken this much time and letting a bunch of conspiracy nuts do an audit, with no oversight, is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. Your Ninja buddy will be lucky to avoid jail for election tampering after this "audit" is over.

Imagine if a private group that supported Gore had been appointed by the Florida Senate to do the Florida recount in 2000. Maybe that will help you figure out that this is partisan theater designed to undermine trust in the government to sooth Trump's ego.
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Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
So I've found a vehicle I hate driving more than my wife's Nissan Rogue.


My fathers GMC Sierra 3500HD.

The thing is obnoxiously huge and annoying to drive.

But it was easier to borrow his truck than try to fit fence panels in the Rogue and break something else 🤣


Autocross Champion
Get off the soapbox, calm down.

What soap box? It shouldn't take more than a couple brain cells to figure out letting a partisan group do an unsupervised "audit" is wrong.

Nothing wrong with qualified audits bringing in a computer expert to examine machines and the IT side, but that isn't what's happening.


The Fixer
Nothing about the dead pilots in that article & the only reason they couldn't force the vaccinations on their pilots was that its not mandatory by the Gov & therfore possible legal backlash...anyway they offered an incentive of extra pay for those who are vaccinated..

Since the COVID vaccination is not mandatory, pilots who elect not to be vaccinated will not be subject to any discipline," the agreement stated.
The agreement between the airline and the union also adds that those pilots who have been vaccinated would be eligible for extra pay.
American Airlines had said in January it does not plan to make vaccinations mandatory for pilots and other employees unless it was mandatory for entry into certain destinations.
While private U.S. companies can require employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19, experts have said they could put themselves at risk of legal and cultural backlash if they do so.

They could have edited the article. 10 days ago United Airlines was talking mandatory shots.

Vaccine deaths are not being talked about in the news. Honest reporting no longer exists. News is a 24/7 vaccine commercial now.
But celebrities are singing songs that say it's great, not red flag at all...


Autocross Champion