The COVID19 SCAMdemic... DeSantis Singlehandedly Ends Port Strike - Federal Gov Working As Intended SMH


Autocross Champion
A car
Uh, all I did was look at the CDC data that said maskers were getting more sick.
Since Texas and Florida dropped all the mandates, that has been proven true on a national scale.

JFC you idiot. The masks are a breeding ground for bacteria, and fungus, they also harbor virus. The reason mAsKs GeT pEoPle SiCk is because their dirty asses don’t wash the things. It’s amazing that medical staff have for decades used masked and all were not been killed by them.

you would understand this simple fucking concept had you actually read the shit you cite.


The Fixer
The masks are a breeding ground for bacteria, and fungus, they also harbor virus.
Yes, you get it. Explains why people are getting fungal and bacterial infections while the false positive test labels them as corona.


Autocross Champion
13 GTI & 98 Prelude


Virginia, USA
You haven't explained your reasoning for anything, or provided sources. You're just hitting people with the same headlines we have all seen while echoing "but the experts say...." on repeat while calling everyone idiots. What is your point in this thread? It's hard to imagine you're here for a discussion when you're so closed off and confrontational. It's hard to imagine you want to change anyone's mind while calling them idiots without posting any information or data.

So far everyone has the same information as you, they've just taken another route with risk management. Some people ask questions before assuming authority figures have their best interest in mind, some people flat out don't trust anyone with their own best interest. Good luck changing anyone's mind if you're just going to call them idiots without even explaining why.

The vaccines have no long term test data, that much is true. We all very well may be calling one of those late night infomercial hotlines in 10 years for compensation and class action lawsuits, and no one can say otherwise because they don't have the data. If someone doesn't want the vaccine for that reason, but they have done everything else to limit their social interactions and be a responsible person, I guarantee you, you are not going to win them over by calling them an idiot. You probably look like an idiot to them for lining up for a shot without an ounce of skepticism. If you don't want to meet those people in the middle and have a discussion, you're just here to jerk off your ego. That is no better than the opposites you call conspiracy theorists.
That's actually not true. The mRNA methodology has been around for many years and was used for a SARS vaccine in 2002. While the specific vaccine rolled out very quickly, the clinical trials were far larger than most. The average clinical trial is a couple of hundred people, these had tens of thousands.

We don't give the seasonal flu vaccine a second thought and that rolls out equally fast. We don't think about it because the underlying technology is something that we are used to.

I guarantee you when this vaccine plan was rolled out, the people calling the shots had a moment where they made the decision to let people die. They know vaccines are not one-size fits all, they know all humans are different and some will suffer or die from it. I promise you there was a risk management meeting where they looked at a printed number on a page and decided to "ok" the percentage of humanity that will suffer negative effects or flat out die from being vaccinated. At some point they decided that was going to be a risk they have to take. Some people who may have otherwise not been exposed to COVID will end up getting this vaccine and die. Have you thought about that, or is it more convenient to ignore the managerial aspects of this that reduce people to numbers? To me, when I think about it that way, it's shocking to demand strangers get vaccinated for the safety of others. What's even more strange is the way everyone is lining up in the literal hundreds to get this vaccine at satellite locations where there are only 2-3 doctors on standby. You are a fucking NPC at that point and if something happens to you the odds of getting the care you need are very low. God forbid you die, those doctors will go home and sleep normally that day, collect their paycheck, and move on to the next person in line like you never existed at all.
You'd lose that bet. That is what clinical trials are for - in part to determine who shouldn't get the vaccine - that's why people with some allergies are warned not to take the seasonal flu shot - but - the COVID vaccine has far fewer warnings.

Given the millions of vaccines given throughout the world, the number of serious side effects are pretty insignificant and again far less than the season flu shots - but - we hear about each and every one because of the way the news media works these days.

When Fairfax County in Virginia first started vaccinating (they had three or four major sites and my wife volunteered at one) they had a couple of ambulances and a doctor standing by for the first couple of weeks. Now, they have no ambulances or doctors because they don't need them. In the probably 50 times that my wife has volunteered, they started with 5000 vaccinations a day and now are doing about 1000. In all of those, there have been no adverse reactions during the waiting period and no adverse reactions reported later.

She has had a couple of people faint, but each one of them told her beforehand and they put them on a stretcher before they got jabbed.


The Fixer
That's actually not true. The mRNA methodology has been around for many years and was used for a SARS vaccine in 2002. While the specific vaccine rolled out very quickly, the clinical trials were far larger than most. The average clinical trial is a couple of hundred people, these had tens of thousands.

We don't give the seasonal flu vaccine a second thought and that rolls out equally fast. We don't think about it because the underlying technology is something that we are used to.

You'd lose that bet. That is what clinical trials are for - in part to determine who shouldn't get the vaccine - that's why people with some allergies are warned not to take the seasonal flu shot - but - the COVID vaccine has far fewer warnings.

Given the millions of vaccines given throughout the world, the number of serious side effects are pretty insignificant and again far less than the season flu shots - but - we hear about each and every one because of the way the news media works these days.

When Fairfax County in Virginia first started vaccinating (they had three or four major sites and my wife volunteered at one) they had a couple of ambulances and a doctor standing by for the first couple of weeks. Now, they have no ambulances or doctors because they don't need them. In the probably 50 times that my wife has volunteered, they started with 5000 vaccinations a day and now are doing about 1000. In all of those, there have been no adverse reactions during the waiting period and no adverse reactions reported later.

She has had a couple of people faint, but each one of them told her beforehand and they put them on a stretcher before they got jabbed.
Let's see how these 'no adverse reactions' stack up in the long 3 years from now.
You know everyone getting the jab is IN the clinical trial, right? Going on until 2023.


The Fixer
Not to mention the thousands of deaths already in the VAERS system that nobody wants to talk about.
The CDC calls them 'coincidences.' The vaccine can do no harm, even if it does.


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
Let's see how these 'no adverse reactions' stack up in the long 3 years from now.
You know everyone getting the jab is IN the clinical trial, right? Going on until 2023.
I have to admit that's a concern of mine.