The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate
China in 1500 has nothing to do with a concerted 20th century effort to eradicate smallpox.

Covid is of tge same order as the flu. You can get the flu shot every year -- the flu is not going anywhere.

I know that & never stated otherwise. I was just giving a precis of treatments against smallpox.

Like I said it depends on where you start from. If you decide to start from 1796 when a smallpox vaccine was first created in the UK or even say the early 19th century when some European countries made an effort to mass vaccinate, you are still looking at circa 180yrs to eradicate smallpox.

Or if you want to take the 20th century modern vaccinations only then you are looking at Leslie Collier's (UK again) vaccine from the 1940-1950's which became the standard form of the vaccine adapted by the WHO when the WHO initiated its global smallpox eradication campaign around 1967.

So from 1967 to 1978 is 11yrs ...& we're only a couple of years into a few more years to do!!

As for comparing COVID to flu......HORRAY!!!...another person who "gets it"......the way it spreads on your exhaust breath is like the flu...the way it adapts & spreads etc is like the flu....However, it is not the flu & it causes more damage to the lungs etc. than the flu ever did even before "flu jabs"....

Yes, flu used to kill loads of people, & still does in its various forms, just COVID is way worse in terms of damage to the body if you survive a bad case of it.

The problem that has occurred in the Governments & press around the world is that whilst saying "its like the flu" is wrong its partially correct (as above). Calling it "like the flu" also plays down the more aggressive effects of COVID if you catch it. Catch -22 they don't want to panic everybody...then they have to panic everybody as the medical lot are seeing the hospitals swamped & then the industry's want everybody to spend money to "save the economy" so they tell everybody "take the mask off & party"...

That's the problem with most modern first...people last...
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The Fixer
If it was a real vaccine that would be correct. But since it just produces antibodies they are finding the effects of the antibodies are wearing off and is why they are pushing booster shots now. J&J is the only one that is a real vaccine but needs further tweaking to be more effective. Remember real vaccines take years to develop and test and this was all rushed into use.
'Different' antibodies versus a real infection. Speaks volumes. So many breakthrough cases now, can we even call them breakthrough?


The Fixer
@golfdave UK data showing 'vaccinated' dying at twice the rate of 'unvaccinated.' Amazing to me that anyone is even considering the jab anymore.


Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate
Hey Dave, if this was trophy about stopping the virus then why are "they" not accepting natural immunity to the virus? I have been traveling quite a bit after having COVID over a year ago and have not be reinfected. No vaccine and only wearing a mask in the airport, in flight, and at my job when on site.

Side note, the world is beginning to get fed up with all of this tyranny and I would not be surprised if you see revolts begin to out break across the globe. COVID is not going anywhere but those in our governments making these BS decisions can.

Because alot of people don't have a strong immune response to this virus, or any virus...& even if you do it all depends on the viral load that you receive, same with any virus.

If you want to test how good your immune system is then by all means sit in an enclosed badly ventilated room with the virus in the atmosphere for 2hrs & breath deeply....

Over here in the UK there has always been "herd immunity" talked since the start as one of the main ways of beating COVID,...unfortunately it brings with it the facts that loads more people will be killed....& that then is the "fault" of the Government for standing by & doing nothing...or so the press & other people will state...

So the Government is dammed if they mass vaccinate, & dammed if they don't.......

Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
Because alot of people don't have a strong immune response to this virus, or any virus...& even if you do it all depends on the viral load that you receive, same with any virus.

If you want to test how good your immune system is then by all means sit in an enclosed badly ventilated room with the virus in the atmosphere for 2hrs & breath deeply....

Over here in the UK there has always been "herd immunity" talked since the start as one of the main ways of beating COVID,...unfortunately it brings with it the facts that loads more people will be killed....& that then is the "fault" of the Government for standing by & doing nothing...or so the press & other people will state...

So the Government is dammed if they mass vaccinate, & dammed if they don't.......
Let's be clear, it is a lot, not alot. Also, you still didn't answer my question. The reason being, you can't. The only reason the vaccine is being pushed is to line pockets. The "science" does not support the mandates and control our elected officials push. Hate to break it to you but people are gonna die, it is going to happen, vaccinated or not.


Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate
@golfdave UK data showing 'vaccinated' dying at twice the rate of 'unvaccinated.' Amazing to me that anyone is even considering the jab anymore.

You complete miss the fact that yes cases are rising...BUT the % of people in ICU is very low compared to before the vaccine (ratio of cases to ICU patients)......this proving that the vaccine does help the body fight the virus & means there is a very good chance you won't have it badly or require ICU.

Also I do know that loads have been acting like its all over & spending loads of time in enclosed spaces like pubs, restaurants etc, without masks & with loads of other people for a few hours....nice way to get COVID...which means a confirmed "case" even if all they have is like a "mild flu"...
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Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate
Let's be clear, it is a lot, not alot. Also, you still didn't answer my question. The reason being, you can't. The only reason the vaccine is being pushed is to line pockets. The "science" does not support the mandates and control our elected officials push. Hate to break it to you but people are gonna die, it is going to happen, vaccinated or not.
I never stated that people would never continue to die, vaccinated or not.

As for your statement of "the vaccine is being pushed to line pockets"....the same could be said for other vaccines that are compulsory around the world.

Also, I hope your punctuation, grammar, & spelling, in every one of your posts on this forum, has been & will be, up to the standard you now request from myself.


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
You complete miss the fact that yes cases are rising...BUT the % of people in ICU is very low compared to before the vaccine (ratio of cases to ICU patients)......this proving that the vaccine does help the body fight the virus & means there is a very good chance you won't have it badly or require ICU.

Also I do know that loads have been acting like its all over & spending loads of time in enclosed spaces like pubs, restaurants etc, without masks & with loads of other people for a few hours....nice way to get COVID...which means a confirmed "case" even if all they have is like a "mild flu"...
He wasn't talking about cases rising. He said that more people are dying that had the shot (s) then did not have the shot (s).

Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
I never stated that people would never continue to die, vaccinated or not.

As for your statement of "the vaccine is being pushed to line pockets"....the same could be said for other vaccines that are compulsory around the world.

Also, I hope your punctuation, grammar, & spelling, in every one of your posts on this forum, has been & will be, up to the standard you now request from myself.
Lol, you are as bad as those who have come before you. I just taught you something bro, the proper spelling of a lot and you got salty. Are you going to ever answer my question?


Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate
Lol, you are as bad as those who have come before you. I just taught you something bro, the proper spelling of a lot and you got salty. Are you going to ever answer my question?

I did know, just auto correct wasn't working properly in the browser.

& which question?

There were several items in your various posts, can you just state in one post the exact question you insist that I answer?


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
Lol, you are as bad as those who have come before you. I just taught you something bro, the proper spelling of a lot and you got salty. Are you going to ever answer my question?
He also spelled (damned) dammed. But I thought we weren't correcting spelling anymore.


Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate
He wasn't talking about cases rising. He said that more people are dying that had the shot (s) then did not have the shot (s).

Ahh right that's clearer...

I still don't know what data he's using as this is the UK ONS data for England only, between 2nd January 2021 & 24th September 2021. As you can see having both doses of the vaccine reduces the chances of being killed by COVID. So having the vaccine is better than not having it...

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Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate
He also spelled (damned) dammed. But I thought we weren't correcting spelling anymore.
Fecking auto correct in my browser...& yes I know I spelt fucking wrong...but you see..or don't see...!!!


Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate
And I promise not to mention (spelt). Oops.😂

Sorry JK.

HAHA.........😂......I was wondering when somebody from the USA would "correct" it...

If I used "spelled" over here in the UK, the response would be WTF??...