The COVID19 SCAMdemic... Real Joe Biden To Address Nation - Obviously Not Deep Fake Or Pre-Recorded


Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate

I'm not surprised you as a British citizen think a war alliance bombed some seemingly random country because the alliance felt bad for someone. I bet Tony Blair lied his ass off about Iraq because he wanted to help the Iraqis. :)

Regarding the topic of NATO bombing the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia because of what the F.R.Y. did in Kosovo....i.e. the ethnic cleansing & bloodshed of Albanians.

There are huge amounts of independent first had witnesses to the atrocities during this war committed by the F.R.Y. The facts are irrefutable in courts of law as has been proven in the decades since.

Iraq is well known as a total disaster as the British were then in Afghanistan wiping out the Taliban. Tony Blair was convinced by his best mate..George W Bush..the POTUS at the time, that is was a good idea to bomb Iraq because of 9/11....So we pulled out of Afghanistan & the Taliban grew in strength & caused problems later on..(now)

Tony Blair should have told G.W.Bush to GTFO....but the UK was still paying off the WWII debt (Marshall plan) to the USA at the time & we were still under the "special friendship"....


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
NJ, one of the nice parts.
2017 GTI Sport
I am going to have to disagree with this. #trumq (intentional just to f with the mention counters)
If I liked the Great 🍑 I wouldn't think he was a jerk, so I would listen.

If you like the speaker you'll generally like what they're saying.

Only especially jerky people are thought of as universal jerks.


Autocross Champion
Regarding the topic of NATO bombing the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia because of what the F.R.Y. did in Kosovo....i.e. the ethnic cleansing & bloodshed of Albanians.

There are huge amounts of independent first had witnesses to the atrocities during this war committed by the F.R.Y. The facts are irrefutable in courts of law as has been proven in the decades since.

Iraq is well known as a total disaster as the British were then in Afghanistan wiping out the Taliban. Tony Blair was convinced by his best mate..George W Bush..the POTUS at the time, that is was a good idea to bomb Iraq because of 9/11....So we pulled out of Afghanistan & the Taliban grew in strength & caused problems later on..(now)

Tony Blair should have told G.W.Bush to GTFO....but the UK was still paying off the WWII debt (Marshall plan) to the USA at the time & we were still under the "special friendship"....
How do you explain the current president of Kosovo, whom was the leader of the KLA (an organization no different from the Taliban) - being sent to The Hague for war crimes?

NATO broke the UN charter when it decided to bomb a sovereign state. Tony Blair has seen more dick ends than weekends.


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
No, it's a joke carried over from another thread. I know you're used to this thread ruining every other thread in the forum, this is like the opposite of that. I'm ruining this thread with nonsense from another thread. Come on Jim, I even used emojis. Get with it.
You only used an emoji for 1 post. I am proud of you to admit that you're ruining this thread as you said.


Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate
How do you explain the current president of Kosovo, whom was the leader of the KLA (an organization no different from the Taliban) - being sent to The Hague for war crimes?

I have no problem with the current president of Kosovo.