The COVID19 SCAMdemic... Skynet Becomes Self Aware Today - Gamestop Brings Retro Games To Moon


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
Connect the dots man.

I apologize for piling on, but if false information and conspiracy theories lead to you encountering someone who doesn't believe in the virus (or the next one) and you get the virus from that reckless have been affected by the misinformation and conspiracy theories.

Say the false information is that if you drink a glass of water with every shot you can't get legally drunk. If some Dumbo believes that and gets behind the wheel maybe Ole Jim gets t-boned while out on deliveries on day.

These aren't leaps of logic.

Other people's actions or inaction affect you. If your neighbor hordes crap in their backyard and you want to sell your house one day, their crap, in their yard, affects you.
I'm doing fine so far. Of course there's chances unless you become a complete hermit. That's life.


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
You could start by not being Ricky's apologist and liking all his posts with misinformation. Crazy, right?

And misinformation can absolutely end up killing you Jim.
So it only affects me? I'm not worried about it.


Autocross Champion
That's great, but it's the people spreading misinformation that are putting you at risk. The longer this goes on, the more likely you'll end up getting infected. That's just the reality. It's like thinking you can't get a girl pregnant because birth control is 98% effective. Birth control works, it isn't 100% effective and you have human error. The longer this goes on, the more likely you are to have a lapse in your precautions, which aren't 100% effective to begin with.

So keep up cheering on and defending Ricky while he tries to kill you, it's the ultimate irony. And make no mistake, misinformation can and has killed plenty of people.
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Autocross Champion
NJ, one of the nice parts.
2017 GTI Sport
I'm doing fine so far. Of course there's chances unless you become a complete hermit. That's life.
Kind of missed the point there.

Your logic is: "I'm being as safe as I can be, I can't control others so they're of no danger to me. Nothing has happened yet, so nothing can happen. "

That's putting your head in the sand.

If lots of people put their heads in the sand bad things usually follow.


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
That's great, but it's the people spreading misinformation that are putting you at risk. The longer this goes on, the more likely you'll end up getting infected. That's just the reality. It's like thinking you can't get a girl pregnant because birth control is 98% effective. Birth control works, it isn't 100% effective and you have human error. The longer this goes on, the more likely you are to have a lapse in your precautions, which aren't 100% effective to begin with.

So keep up cheering on and defending Ricky while he tries to kill you, it's the ultimate irony. And make no mistake, misinformation can and has killed plenty of people.
That's nice. Not a chance my precautions will wane.


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
Kind of missed the point there.

Your logic is: "I'm being as safe as I can be, I can't control others so they're of no danger to me. Nothing has happened yet, so nothing can happen. "

That's putting your head in the sand.

If lots of people put their heads in the sand bad things usually follow.
Look I understand that. I can't change people's opinions any more than you can. And I did not say nothing can happen. Don't make it sound like I did.


The Fixer
Jim, try to understand this.

No one has to refute Rickety's insanity for it to be less insane. Your main line of agreement with Rickety is that he stands in opposition to your best friend GTIfan. Separate these concepts in your mind. Just because you like Rickety doesn't make him right.

The shit Rickety has said about masks has been wrong this whole time. It's not less wrong now than it was 6 months ago.

You're being affected by the alternate reality.
Uh, all I did was look at the CDC data that said maskers were getting more sick.
Since Texas and Florida dropped all the mandates, that has been proven true on a national scale.


The Fixer
You don't know how a more contagious variant of the virus can affect you or that being 6 ft away doesn't create a force field around you.

These measures REDUCE transmission, they don't 100% stop transmission.

If everyone doesn't do these things, transmission increases. The more transmission increases, the more variants we get. The vaccine isn't as effective against the variants. We will eventually end up with with a variant that vaccine doesn't work against at all.

Like I said, your comment is dumb, and shows a complete lack of understanding of how infectious disease works.
Jim is arguably the eldest one here, and if anything we should be listening to HIS advice because he has outlived all of us.


The Fixer
Stop that.

That is the alternate reality talking again man.

You sound as bad as Rickety with that nonsense.
Except he's absolutely right.
At the beginning of the pandemic Fauci said masks did nothing. Then someone rebooted him and he changed his tune.
15 years ago Fauci said HCQ stopped coronaviruses, then last year he said it didn't.


The Fixer
Connect the dots man.

I apologize for piling on, but if false information and conspiracy theories lead to you encountering someone who doesn't believe in the virus (or the next one) and you get the virus from that reckless have been affected by the misinformation and conspiracy theories.

Say the false information is that if you drink a glass of water with every shot you can't get legally drunk. If some Dumbo believes that and gets behind the wheel maybe Ole Jim gets t-boned while out on deliveries on day.

These aren't leaps of logic.

Other people's actions or inaction affect you. If your neighbor hordes crap in their backyard and you want to sell your house one day, their crap, in their yard, affects you.
You're reaching, bro.
Connecting the wrong dots.


Autocross Champion
Hither and thither
Bro, you can try to hide behind "defending yourself " but that ship sailed 400 pages ago, you're as antagonistic as GTIfan99.

The fact that you direct most of your hostility towards another antagonistic person doesn't absolve you of the content of your posts.
1. I don't need to defend myself.
2. I have nothing to be absolved of. I can repeat everything I stated in my previous posts.