The COVID19 SCAMdemic... Skynet Becomes Self Aware Today - Gamestop Brings Retro Games To Moon


Autocross Champion
NJ, one of the nice parts.
2017 GTI Sport
My first car was an 85' Jetta.

One time me and my friend were doing gravel slides in it and I slid the car around one left hander to find a pick up truck heading at us. He wasn't even really close and I had slid all the way through his lane and back into my own. Unfortunately this dude in the pick up basically cut the wheel the instant he saw us and he goes off road taking out a huge amount of fencing before he starts veering back towards the road.

He tried to turn around and chase us but by the time he got back on the road we had made it around a few turns and we made it back to my friend's house before this guy caught up. He flew past the house going way over the limit but since the driveway was so steep he couldn't see us. :LOL:
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Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate
Maybe @golfdave can tell us how great it works. The UK was the first to roll it out, they are arguably the most vaccinated, and yet they are still under lockdown 'a little longer' according to Boris. Delta variant running rampant, contrary to everything they say about the 'vaccine.'
As some experts are saying, the vaccines are creating the variants. And no good antibodies. The UK is perpetuating their own misery.

As with any virus it mutates. The Delta variant originated in India & we put India on the red list way too late & as India's vaccination programme is hopeless & their population is huge that variant is having fun over there. We have a large Indian population here in the UK & loads of free travel between the two countries especially when they had their religious festivals earlier this year..what do you expect?...The current vaccine was developed for the Alpha variant..but its effective against all the others so long as both doses have been given & allowed the body to develop immunity. As per any flu vaccine its not 100%...but it will give you better protection & your chances of serious hospitalisation are vastly reduced. Vaccination does work as the idea is o prevent loads of people taking up ICU's...

UK gambled that giving more people 1 dose would be more effective than giving fewer people 2 doses. Unfortunately for them, the delta variant out of India proved them wrong.

Sometimes you gamble and lose. was was dammed if you do damned if you don' they are trying to get more time to double dose people & they are doing down to 18yrs old & some of the younger kids in delta variant hot spots of the country...

By the looks of that house the builder asked "how many roofs/gable ends do you want?" which the owner said "YES"...:unsure::ROFLMAO:


Autocross Champion
'87 Chrysler Lebaron here. Bought it for $500 off my stepfather. Not my images, but looked identical to this. Thing was futuristic as fuck. It would talk to you.

"Fuel level low"

"Drivers side door is ajar"

Sadly, the thing caught fire in Worcester, MA one night. While a buddy and I were at a GWAR show... Came out at midnight, looking like we had murdered someone, since, well... GWAR... and found my car burnt to a crisp. No idea what happened. This was around 1999/2000 before cell phones were a thing. Found some people from the show driving past our area and hitched a ride home. Had my dad drive me up the next morning, grabbed a few personal belongings, the plates, and just left it there on some side street.




Autocross Champion
2016 GTI, 2018 ZL1
'87 Chrysler Lebaron here. Bought it for $500 off my stepfather. Not my images, but looked identical to this. Thing was futuristic as fuck. It would talk to you.

"Fuel level low"

"Drivers side door is ajar"

Sadly, the thing caught fire in Worcester, MA one night. While a buddy and I were at a GWAR show... Came out at midnight, looking like we had murdered someone, since, well... GWAR... and found my car burnt to a crisp. No idea what happened. This was around 1999/2000 before cell phones were a thing. Found some people from the show driving past our area and hitched a ride home. Had my dad drive me up the next morning, grabbed a few personal belongings, the plates, and just left it there on some side street.

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Autocross Champion

Know what my second car was after my '87 Lebaron burnt up?

A '91 Lebaron convertible. Looked just like that.

Except without the #1 SON license plate.

Fun Fact: I own an autographed copy of Freddy Got Fingered.


Autocross Champion
NJ, one of the nice parts.
2017 GTI Sport
'87 Chrysler Lebaron here. Bought it for $500 off my stepfather. Not my images, but looked identical to this. Thing was futuristic as fuck. It would talk to you.

"Fuel level low"

"Drivers side door is ajar"

Sadly, the thing caught fire in Worcester, MA one night. While a buddy and I were at a GWAR show... Came out at midnight, looking like we had murdered someone, since, well... GWAR... and found my car burnt to a crisp. No idea what happened. This was around 1999/2000 before cell phones were a thing. Found some people from the show driving past our area and hitched a ride home. Had my dad drive me up the next morning, grabbed a few personal belongings, the plates, and just left it there on some side street.

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This thing looks loaded for the late 80s, does it have a built in cocaine mirror also?


Autocross Champion
2016 GTI, 2018 ZL1
Know what my second car was after my '87 Lebaron burnt up?

A '91 Lebaron convertible. Looked just like that.

Except without the #1 SON license plate.

Fun Fact: I own an autographed copy of Freddy Got Fingered.
So jealous.
Jim's first car was an '03









Hey-yo! :p
I think I found a picture of him on his 1903 Stanley Steamer. I bet he was trying to boost the manifold pressure. Rides way too high though, put some camber on it and get low!


The Fixer
As with any virus it mutates. The Delta variant originated in India & we put India on the red list way too late & as India's vaccination programme is hopeless & their population is huge that variant is having fun over there. We have a large Indian population here in the UK & loads of free travel between the two countries especially when they had their religious festivals earlier this year..what do you expect?...The current vaccine was developed for the Alpha variant..but its effective against all the others so long as both doses have been given & allowed the body to develop immunity. As per any flu vaccine its not 100%...but it will give you better protection & your chances of serious hospitalisation are vastly reduced. Vaccination does work as the idea is o prevent loads of people taking up ICU's...
You're very good at parroting the propaganda.
Big Brother is proud of you.