The COVID19 SCAMdemic... Real Joe Biden To Address Nation - Obviously Not Deep Fake Or Pre-Recorded

Strange Mud

Autocross Champion
Small Town CT
You are from the land of dry, ironic, and sarcastic absurdity... how could you miss it?

John Cleese and company failed you. 😢

Irregardlessly, It’s “Heard Immunity” Because I heard on Twitter that we all* will survive and we should just get it and we’ll be immune.

*excluding elderly, immune compromised, those with specific preexisting chronic diseases and/or disabilities....
Quoted because of my love for John Cleese


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG

Nightshift is suspended until further notice bros.

New SCAMdemic rules state that if none of the people who are funny are posting the SCAMdemic will close for the evening at 10 pm eastern time and reopen in the morning whenever amusing posts start again.

3 Amibros vs. GTIfan99 is the #1 cause of SCAMdemic defections.
Why don't you join the nightshift? You always critique what happened on the nightshift but you don't participate.


Autocross Champion
^^ironically posted by the MAGA QAnon dip shit that believes any drivel that some fellow nut bag posts on twitter and/or Parlor.
In a non covid context it's kinda valid though. Normal people are like NPCs to the rich and wealthy. Consider groups like the EPA, who the rich and wealthy lobby to restrict our rights to modify vehicles and do other dumb shit that makes up like 1-4% of greenhouse emissions, while simultaneously lobbying to unrestrict industry (>20%).

We've been indoctrinated in a sense, taught to call people who think this way conspiracy theorists, and equating them to people who believe in things like bigfoot to devalue their opinion.
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Autocross Champion
Hither and thither

Nightshift is suspended until further notice bros.

New SCAMdemic rules state that if none of the people who are funny are posting the SCAMdemic will close for the evening at 10 pm eastern time and reopen in the morning whenever amusing posts start again.

3 Amibros vs. GTIfan99 is the #1 cause of SCAMdemic defections.
The gretafan bitch club snowflaked out and blocked me. That's why retards with extra chromosomes like ianch keep pissing under every tree with their ".9999998/.99998=100" bullshit. Although I'm certain that gretafan still reads all my comments. :)


Autocross Champion
So you now agree with Zrick about wearing masks. Enlightening.


No one has ever said masks are 100% effective. Ricky says they make you sick.

Here you are again, sucking Rick's cock, while he's trying to kill you.
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Autocross Champion
Hither and thither
In a non covid context it's kinda valid though. Normal people are like NPCs to the rich and wealthy. Consider groups like the EPA, who the rich and wealthy lobby to restrict our rights to modify vehicles and do other dumb shit that makes up like 1-4% of greenhouse emissions, while simultaneously lobbying to unrestrict industry (>20%).

We've been indoctrinated in a sense, taught to call people who think this way conspiracy theorists, and equating them to people who believe in things like bigfoot to devalue their opinion.
It's amazing so many libtards believe in unicorns and elves. Then again I think it's a necessary condition for becoming a libtard. I've noticed the same trend among libtards in other countries as well.

Libtards are some of the biggest hypocrites I've seen. Just a side note.


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG

No one has ever said masks are 100% effective. Ricky says they make you sick.

Here you are again, sucking Rick's cock, while he's trying to kill you.
When you have nothing to say to support your position that's what you do.
Just throw in something that had nothing to do with your post I quoted.


Autocross Champion
NJ, one of the nice parts.
2017 GTI Sport
Jim, try to understand this.

No one has to refute Rickety's insanity for it to be less insane. Your main line of agreement with Rickety is that he stands in opposition to your best friend GTIfan. Separate these concepts in your mind. Just because you like Rickety doesn't make him right.

The shit Rickety has said about masks has been wrong this whole time. It's not less wrong now than it was 6 months ago.

You're being affected by the alternate reality.


Autocross Champion
NJ, one of the nice parts.
2017 GTI Sport
In a non covid context it's kinda valid though. Normal people are like NPCs to the rich and wealthy. Consider groups like the EPA, who the rich and wealthy lobby to restrict our rights to modify vehicles and do other dumb shit that makes up like 1-4% of greenhouse emissions, while simultaneously lobbying to unrestrict industry (>20%).

We've been indoctrinated in a sense, taught to call people who think this way conspiracy theorists, and equating them to people who believe in things like bigfoot to devalue their opinion.
That's nice and all but 2649 pages say otherwise. 😐


Autocross Champion
When you have nothing to say to support your position that's what you do.
Just throw in something that had nothing to do with your post I quoted.

My response directly addressed your nonsense comment that I agree with Ricky on masks.

Time for a nap, Jim.
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Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
Jim, try to understand this.

No one has to refute Rickety's insanity for it to be less insane. Your main line of agreement with Rickety is that he stands in opposition to your best friend GTIfan. Separate these concepts in your mind. Just because you like Rickety doesn't make him right.

The shit Rickety has said about masks has been wrong this whole time. It's not less wrong now than it was 6 months ago.

You're being affected by the alternate reality.
I don't agree with Zrick on most of the Covid stuff and he knows that. GTIfan99 made a statement to me because I said that I wear a mask that supported Zricks position. I'm not affected by posts from either side of the issue.