State Referee Ticket


I'm chasing perfection
Thousand Oaks Ca
your mom
1 way to fix this for good. Leave that god forsaken state. I'm in florida and i can do whatever i damn well please. Nor do i have to pay State income taxes, or any of the other 1,000,000 problems California has.... Get out while you still can!

1. Florida's unemployment rate (one of the highest in the US)
2. Filthy bums everywhere (one of the leading states in the US with most homeless)
3. Tons of illegal aliens from Mexico and Cuba (one of the highest states in the US for illegal aliens)
4. Old people everywhere
5. Pay wage and Job opportunities Suck
6. Nothing is cheaper
7. Hurricanes
8. Property values decrease and then your trapped and can't sell
9. Home owners need to pay extra money for hurricane and flood insurance
10. Many people who live there have to work in other states to make ends meet
11. Drug addict central
12. Lack of culture
13. The climate is blistering hot and dry
14. Corrupt politician and racist police
15. Thunderstorms and rains almost everyday
16. Total cluster of tourists
17. Gators
18. Fire ants
19. Billions of blood sucking bugs(Mosquitoes, fleas, ticks)
20. Terrible sports teams
21. Terrible drivers and bad traffic conditions
22. Never see the autumn leaves change
23. Never have snow fall or a white Christmas
24. Never see the blooming of spring
25. No mountains
26. There are only two seasons hot and hotter.
27. Population of Florida is the rich, the old, and the scum of the earth
28. Florida is an industrialized swamp.
29. Out of all 50 states Florida ranks 48th worst in education and bases everything on 1 test the FCAT.
30. Need to Run Ac all year long (we had it on even on Christmas morning)

need I say more?


Ready to race!
So cal
08 gti
I'd rather pay $170 for a new one with a new filter than $125 for a used filter. But I'm not in high school and have a real job so...

I'm not in high school and have a real job too... Where can I buy a neuspeed for 170 new?