dirt cheap healthy lunches for work


Go Kart Champion
Fuck nutella...this is THE shit:



I saw someone post about Greek Yogurt. GET IT. It's packed with protein, low in fat, and relatively cheap. Doesn't taste too great on it's own so throw some berries, cinnamon, peanut butter, and even protein powder if you have any. Quite filling, very nutritious, and cheap.

ya that Greek yogurt is nasty. It leaves a chauky film in your mouth. I'm sure its healthy, but it tastes like shit.


Not Kentucky
At my office the lunch packers end up becoming social outcasts that carries over in to how they are viewed at work unfortunately.

Have organized some eat-ins with a card game, or lunch at a nearby park so you can still bring your own and not miss out on the socialization though.

Its been years since i worked somewhere where food or catering wasnt available but when i first came to la i worked as a PA at a production development company (reading scripts etc) and i have to agree with this. The people who brought lunch to work were India's equivalent to the untouchable


Passed Driver's Ed
That's why you have to buy plain and spiff it up yourself. Plus, the processed flavors always have stuff you don't want in em'. (extra sugar, and other chemicals mixed in to keep the calories down)
greek yogurt FTW.
truth on the plain stuff, but the chobani stuff actually does not have crazy processed ingredients at all.


Ready to race!
Sac Area, CA

Need I say more?

He said healthy. :laugh:

I usually do oatmeal at break with fruit then spinach and romaine salad with some chicken at lunch. Avoid iceberg lettuce, almost no nutritional value. PB&J is an all time favorite too, especially on a good wheat bread.
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Ready to race!
North Korea
Healthy Choice Top Chef steamer things. Their sodium count is decent, low calories, high protein, whole grains and fiber. They use sea salt so no preservatives, but they use some artificial flavors. You can get 4/$10 and that's your work lunch then throw in some greek yogurt of your choice with some fruit and water. I hated yogurt, but after eating Chobani it's all I buy now.


Ready to race!
for tomorrow (Monday):

2 slices of whole wheat bread
2 slices of provolone cheese
3 slices of ham
1 big romaine lettuce (for some crunch)
spicy mustard

trying not to stop at the coffee hut to get an iced coffee tomorrow...(probably will....another $3.40, but so good... :()


Ready to race!
North Korea
for tomorrow (Monday):

2 slices of whole wheat bread
2 slices of provolone cheese
3 slices of ham
1 big romaine lettuce (for some crunch)
spicy mustard

trying not to stop at the coffee hut to get an iced coffee tomorrow...(probably will....another $3.40, but so good... :()

I know that feel bro. Starbucks Caramel Frap has me addicted to it.


Go Kart Champion
Aurora, IL
Nothing wrong with the (iced) coffee if you drink it straight up, though I think I'm the only person I've ever seen drink iced black coffee :lol: My preference is actually a black iced americano but there are no real coffee shops in my new town so it's either black iced coffee or a plain iced latte which has milk but at least no sugar.

My most common lunch is plain peanut butter on oatnut bread: it's good, cheap and somehow lasts forever. I also sometimes do the same thing with Thomas Everything bagels which also last forever.