dirt cheap healthy lunches for work


Go Kart Champion
Not to thread jack, but 911 dispatch center Bodhi?

Also to remain slightly on topic, I take pb&j to work all the time. Quick and easy to make in the morning. I also steal leftovers out of the fridge quite frequently and take them. Not always healthy, but at least you're not spending anymore money.

Yep. I'm a dispatcher at an ambulance company.


Go Kart Champion
Peanut Butter Jelly time ohhh yea:thumbup:

I remember that my nutrition teacher said a pb sandwich fulfills something like whole nutrients. Has to be the tastiest best for you item ever invented! Not to mention easy to make and doesn't need to be refrigerated.

If you have a fridge at work bring a bottle of milk with you to accompany the sandwhich. Yuummmm


Go Kart Champion
Subway $5 footlong

Eat half for lunch, eat the other half for dinner.

Thats $2.50 per meal (lunch and dinner) which is only $5 a day.

Cant beat that fast food value plus its way healthier than grabbing a burger/taco/etc.

I suggest getting a turkey/ham/chicken breast, no mayo but you can use mustard (dont use honey mustard, has HFC, also stay way from wheat bread suprisingly it has HFC...your better off with the other breads), pile on the vegetables, etc. Omit the chips/soda. Drink water. As for breakfast, just eat good ol oatmeal at home. Its cheap, healthy, and good for you. The real quaker oats old fashioned oat meal...none of that sugary crap oatmeal. Add some fresh fruit if you desire and have some green tea.

*This is what I do myself...yes the lunch meat in Subway has sodium but it needs to be preserved...still light years healthier than taco bell, jack in the box, mcdonalds, etc.


Go Kart Champion
recently joined a sams club and i usually bring a snack size portion of pringles (get like 40 in a box for $12 or something) and a pb&j. drink lots of water, because it's usually free. boxes of pretzels as well. i've found that buying bulk and essentially just eating like i have no freedom and the same thing everyday helps save money, haha.


Go Kart Champion
Seattle WA
thats disgusting man. the whole office doesnt want to smell your tuna.


lol, nothing else worse than smelling someones food.


Go Kart Champion
United States
thats disgusting man. the whole office doesnt want to smell your tuna.

haha. my office has a separate kitchen area with fridge, coffee, microwave etc. I've never had a complaint when I bring tuna in which is maybe once a week. It's not like i'm bringing in leftover salmon and microwaving it. Quick toast the bread and throw a slice of cheese on it then put your scoop of tuna on.


Go Kart Champion
Subway $5 footlong

Eat half for lunch, eat the other half for dinner.

Thats $2.50 per meal (lunch and dinner) which is only $5 a day.

Cant beat that fast food value plus its way healthier than grabbing a burger/taco/etc.

I suggest getting a turkey/ham/chicken breast, no mayo but you can use mustard (dont use honey mustard, has HFC, also stay way from wheat bread suprisingly it has HFC...your better off with the other breads), pile on the vegetables, etc. Omit the chips/soda. Drink water. As for breakfast, just eat good ol oatmeal at home. Its cheap, healthy, and good for you. The real quaker oats old fashioned oat meal...none of that sugary crap oatmeal. Add some fresh fruit if you desire and have some green tea.

*This is what I do myself...yes the lunch meat in Subway has sodium but it needs to be preserved...still light years healthier than taco bell, jack in the box, mcdonalds, etc.

I used to eat a bunch of Subway but you would be surprised how unhealthy it is. Lots of carbs, fat, cals and at least 1k mg of sodium. If you get flat bread its a little bit better but still not what I would consider a healthy meal. Much better alternative than fast food though!

slackin via taptalk


Go Kart Champion
Pb sandwich on whole wheat bread (skip the jelly for hardcore Pb addicts like me AND to avoid more sugar)...add a salad (homemade, of course) for your veggie fix.

Salad with a cup of soup or ramen (watch out for the sodium...drink coconut water/eat a banana to negate some sodium with potassium).

Salad with a pouch of tuna in water.

Add a small single serve cottage cheese or Greek yogurt to any of these if you want to stretch the fullness and get some great protein.


Ready to race!
He has the right idea
The problem with luncheon meats and pb/j is sodium and sugar.

I bring a grilled chicken breast (which I grill in bulk at home) and a handful of steamed broccoli. Both purchased in bulk at Costco makes for cheap and healthy meals.

Here's my suggestions: Granola or nuts (almonds, etc) will hold you over for a couple hours. Fresh fruit is always good (bananas are the best choice, less sugar than most so your body breaks it down more slowly). Lean protein such as turkey, chicken, tuna, or even canned salmon (no cooking, no smell) is good. PB&J is great but use whole wheat bread for better nutrition. Avoid chips or almost anything processed, it's empty calories with to much sodium and you'll just be hungry again in a few minutes.


Go Kart Champion
I was just about to post about my Subway diet for a "healthy" lunch but decided to re-read the nutritional content information first

DAMN 630mg for a 6" roasted chicken sandwich not including the added sodium from the olives, pickles, peppers, etc. Pretty scary since I've been eating a 12" Subway daily for work lunch for the past 6 months.

Guess I'm switching to salads for a while.

Go Kart Champion
Boston, MA
as a broke college student, I live off of cheap, fast, healthy and DELICIOUS meals.
the important thing here is to make plenty of it at once and freeze what you don't eat.

Recipe 1 - Tomato sauce and vegetables. I make this on a weekly basis as it lasts a long time and is quick to heat up.
- 1 can of tomato puree
- 1 can of skinless tomatoes
- 1 some basil
- 1 garlic
- 1 sweet Italian Sausages
- 1 Bag of frozen vegetables

Get a giant pot (my room mates call it a sauce pot? w.e), pour both cans of tomato puree and skinless tomatoes in there. Then fill up both cans with water and pour that into the pot as well. Basically you want 50% tomato stuff, 50% water. Dice up your basil and garlic and throw that in there too. Brown your Italian sausages and when they're brown all around take them out and slice them into slabs so that they look like bottle caps. So now you should basically have sausage slices that look like a bottle cap with just the outside skin/casing brown and the inside still raw. Next is to brown the insides so that the sausage slabs are brown all around. Throw those bad boys in the sauce pot, set it to very low heat (i have 8 settings and set mine to 2). Now let it sit for 7-10 hours without a cover on it and stir once every hour. The longer it sits, the thicker and better the sauce.

When your sauce is done, bust open the bag of frozen veggies. Pour some into a bowl and microwave it for 1 minute. Take it out, mix, and back in for another min. Now pour on some of that nice tomato sauce and enjoy.

I also get a good size container of Hummus and munch on that with some celery or carrots. That's also a nice snack