CSB3: Forum Bros Celebrate Our Creator And Lord, Danzig


Autocross Champion
I didn't have time to prepare lunch, had a little Snacko Bell.


Autocross Champion
Austin, TX
2012 K04 GTI
went to a show yesterday, it was a good time. saw ugly irl.
I hung out with ugly for most of day. Woodski dodged me when I waved to him lol, don't think he's a fan.


Virginia, USA
Old people were out in full force fucking up the traffic this weekend. I saw the old guy riding his bike down i-75 with the state trooper escort. Before that an old guy on his little scooter decided to go from the side walk to the road without looking and did it right in front of me. On the way home there was an old lady that couldn't recognize she had a green light. We're still missing street lights from the hurricane a year ago. There's 2 left lanes and 2 lanes going straight, each lane normally has a light, but the left straight lane has no light. This lady sat in the left lane until the left turn lanes got their green light. By that point every light was green and she knew it was ok to go. She sat there for at least a minute before she finally started to drive and I can't believe no one honked at her. Then she also tried to take a left turn for a second. She realized her mistake and kept going straight though. That lady was so clueless she probably shouldn't be driving, especially a big suv like she had.

OOOF! Old people traffic. Yet another reason I will never move to Florida that I didn't realize yet

And it's not even season yet. :cry:
Old Austrian joke - A farmer with his horse drawn cart comes into town for the first time and sees a traffic light. It is red. He stops and says to his son "look at that, they have light here!" A minute or so later, the light turns yellow and he says "wow, the lights even change colors". A while later it turns green, then yellow and as it turns red he says " OK, we've seen this already, let's go."

Just replace farmer with "retiree in Florida" and you're there.

Of note - in Austria, the traffic lights go from red to yellow to green. then the green flashes right before it turns yellow and red. Yes, there is a yellow after the red - I guess a "get ready to go".

Also of note is that emergency vehicles have to comply with traffic signals - it is odd to see an ambulance go flying down the street with lights and sirens and come to a screeching halt at a light - even odder at night with no traffic.


Autocross Champion
She's a 34 year old very autistic girl that desperately wants a boyfriend. Find her on social media and she'll send you a pic. She's easily groomable too.
She hot tho?


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
Not Fancy CT, USA
17 Golf SW 4mo
That aloof mutherfucker.

Probably cause he drives a wagon.
you know when you just know you're not gonna gel with someone for whatever reason?

that's me with zoomers.


Autocross Champion
Nothing makes me more upset than being told to calm down when I'm already calm but pointing out some of the interesting driving occuring directly around us. Coming home from picking up dinner we saw - a crv turn right across traffic, cutting off oncoming without a turn signal into the one way drive of a busy store, a car pull out directly in front of us, no turn signal and proceed to go ten under the speed limit as well as homeless beggers who have taken up residence next to all freeway offramps just casually jaywalking across 45 mph traffic. When I'm on my bike, this is why i ride with mirrored visors only and constantly drive hyper defensively on surface streets.
I call it Einstein's theory of driving

Everyone driving slower than me needs to get out of the way and learn to drive.

Everyone driving faster than me is a crazed lunatic that should lose their license.

All driving is relative to ME. Everyone else is wrong.


Autocross Champion
Austin, TX
2012 K04 GTI
Sounds like someone's making judgements about people before getting to know them!
I mean car guys can get along across generations for the most part.
Maybe he's afraid of how I make my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
I just wanted to ask him stuff about his car (the grille and poke fun at wiper not being deleted yet).


Drag Racing Champion
Murrieta, CA
2013 GTI
I never got the rear wiper delete thing.

I do wonder though, if the Euro models got them and we didn't, would everyone be installing them?