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  1. DBW

    Drunk driver Horror Stories

    Many years ago my Jeep CJ7 got hit by a DD. His Corolla drove under me while I was turning. Flipped me on my side ....made his undrivable. Dumbass acctually helped me and my girlfriend out of the Jeep. Cops pull up and cuff me!!!!! Aparently the cop didn't believe that the DD was headbutting my...
  2. DBW

    The Official Bad Roads Thread - Post Pics To See Who Has the Worst Roads

    This poor sap had just pulled out from filling up at the gas station around the corner. He felt the pavement start to give and bolted leaving the Caddy running. Caddilac gave him a brand new Escalade! (As I remember it.)
  3. DBW


    I take it you've been pulled over/ticketed/aressted often.
  4. DBW

    Sad news I need to share...

    My prayers are with you.
  5. DBW

    What was your last car?

    '84 GTI '89 GTI '00 Golf '11 GTI
  6. DBW

    Explain your User Name.

    Top Gear has the Stig. So in my German car I am Das Stig. A guy can dream. (no, I don't wear the outfit when I drive.)