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  1. bmc333

    Anyone playing Destiny on XB1?

    Oh nothing....something that fanboys like to hate on mostly.
  2. bmc333

    off topi c ehh? im drunk

    Drinking at my desk because my job sucks and IDGAF any more. Working on a mixture of Absolut Raspberry and Sprite Zero. Pretty fuggin good for something I threw together on my lunch break.
  3. bmc333

    Anyone playing Destiny on XB1?

    Yep, I've been playing the hell out of it on the Bone - gamer ID bmc333 Main character is Titan level 23 and 2nd character is a Warlock level 12.
  4. bmc333

    Whatcha Having for lunch today? (with pics)

    Just got back from 5 Guys - had a reg cheeseburger and little good.
  5. bmc333

    Whatcha Having for lunch today? (with pics)

    Chex has those new EXTREME flavors now too - I'm curious/scared....
  6. bmc333

    Whatcha Having for lunch today? (with pics)

    Had Taco Bell and a Monster M80 to wash that shit down and out. Wish there was a Jersey Mikes closer than 15 miles from my office tho.
  7. bmc333

    Watch Dogs

    Agreed - the driving in that game is cartoonish and a joke - I hate it.