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  1. T

    i can't take it anymore, comcast has got to go

    comcast is the worse..My father and I a few years back literally sat on hold and waited them out over 3 fucking hours to get on the phone. It took us a month to finally get rid of them..Go with Dish of Fios
  2. T

    Here comes Mothra

    Oh wow..Japanese children..
  3. T

    Gas prices about to shoot up again :(

    I feel bad for you all over on the west coast..and here I am thinking it's bad over on the east coast as we approach $3.80s..Well above $4 once you cross into the district and DC.
  4. T

    Stuck on an Island ? You Have 5 Wishes

    A boat to get off the island My dream car list (starting with a 1999 Diablo GT-R) A beautiful home up on a mountain overlooking the ocean Become a professional Rally Racer Ability to have music playing depending on the scenario (admit it that would be amusing and badass)
  5. T

    Word Association Game #2

  6. T

    your other hobbies besides the car

    I used to do MMA. Otherwise now it's working out, rugby, volleyball, and sleep ZZZZ...= )
  7. T

    What's with people not looking in their mirrors?

    Maryland driving is awful, every single time I have to drive down to the distric of DC you have to pray you make it through without having to honk your horn or veer into another lane slightly to avoid being taken out. Whether it be no turn signals, not stopping at stop signs, or just stopping...
  8. T

    Buying Second Car

    You made a good choice; I've been wanting to go test drive one myself. I work for Lexus and our Toyota dealership just got a shipment of them in. Definitely a clean looking ride!
  9. T

    Word Association Game #2
