douchebag broke my side-window


Go Kart Champion
Dat Forum, Doe
Call the cops, file a police report, and press charges.

By punching that guy, trevballs can be charged with battery or assault


Being a civilized adult is underrated these days.

Balls, good luck with that approach.

Waste a bunch of your time and money only to see the asshole never actually get what he really deserves? That's the retarded approach.

It doesn't cost anything to call the cops or file a police report.

Damn, Troy is full of piss ind vinegar tonight. Pissed off McQueen and everything. :laugh:


Go Kart Champion
Balls, good luck with that approach.

Waste a bunch of your time and money only to see the asshole never actually get what he really deserves? That's the retarded approach.

How is filing a police report a waste of time?
If you know who vandalized your car, then have your insurance company take that person to the cleaners
They will ask if you have a police report case #

Why is that the retarded approach?


Go Kart Champion
fifth dimension
I'm assuming you are a troll right now. Your skinny ass would get wrecked if you're serious.

You don't seem to want to accept the fact that you're dealing with an expert in guerrilla warfare, with a man who's the best! With guns, with knives, with his bare hands! A man who's been trained to ignore pain! To ignore weather! To live off the land! To eat things that would make a billy goat puke! In Bum fuck Pennsylvania his job was to dispose of enemy kill, period! Win by attrition... well Troy was THE BEST!


Go Kart Champion
Dat Forum, Doe
Troybo! :laugh:


Go Kart Champion


Go Kart Champion
Balls, good luck with that approach.

Waste a bunch of your time and money only to see the asshole never actually get what he really deserves? That's the retarded approach.
Yeah, getting arrested for battery is a much better approach. Zero waste of time or money.


Go Kart Champion
Los Angeles
Saw this on fb a while back. Had a really good time reading the dumb ass comments saying how the guy in the gti deserved it and that he is a pansy for not fighting back. All I was thinking was why bother getting in a fight when you just got the entire thing on video? File a police report you have video evidence of him vandalizing your car and his license plate number. You file an insurance case and sue him for vandalizing your property and then you make up some bull shit about how he traumatized you with his actions and that you are too fearful to drive anymore and some other bull and you make bank off this dbag.

So now I say it to you fellow forum goers. In this situation the only winner is the "pussy" who sat in his car and got this guy on video vandalizing his car and assaulting him. Pretty sure he can also press charges and get him arrested I think lol.