P000A, fsi, clicking noise in time with engine speed, is it what I think it is?

All signs point to cam follower. I'd rather not check for myself since that could be tampering.

I'm at 93k, I know it's covered under extended warranty, and I'm basically stock. Do I just walk into the dealership and say I think it's the follower?

How long did it take others to get their car back? Any costs that you had to pay?
Now p0011 is up as well. This might be related to the cam follower but it could possibly be the n205 valve. I'll check that tomorrow.

I'm starting to think it could be the n205 since I recently had the engine cover off for replacing the air filter. That and I replaced the cam follower 10k ago. Long for some but last change was after 20k and there was still life left
The cam follower needs to be replaced ASAP but does not seem to be the issue.

Going to the dealership tomorrow to see if they have a spare n205 valve. If that doesnt fix my problem, I'll have to have the dealership diagnose. The n205 valve was not visibly damaged when I looked but there is the possibility that there's a fault internally.

For now, my symptoms are that the engine clicks louder than previously when cold. When at normal operating temp, it sounds like I'm low on oil where there is a grinding noise that speeds up with RPMs, not speed. Maybe cam chain tensioner?

My engine bucks on cold starts when the temps are below 20*F. I've looked into the cause of this and it seems to be a fairly common issue. It happens in any gear including neutral so it's not the transmission. I'd like to fix that too but not sure where to look. Maybe it's possible I jumped a tooth on the timing belt with this? I'm not due for the waterpump/timing belt change until 120k miles but I could remedy this by doing it early and having the dealership make sure the timing is correct. The engine runs fine minus the noise though so the timing being off doesnt seem likely.
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your cam follower looks fine.
So my dealer didnt have the n205 valve in stock...

I ordered one with 2 day shipping as well as a new cam follower. Hopefully everything will be fixed on Wednesday.
CEL gone without any repair. Car runs fine when not under load. Recently snowed so I don't want to try stressing the engine since I wont have traction anyway.

The sound and CEL went away before but came back after highway driving. I'm willing to bet this will be the case next time I'm on the highway. If the mechanical timing was off (timing belt/cam chain/tensioner), I'd imagine the sound would be there all the time, not just after highway driving.

n205 valve and new CF will be in tomorrow.
Has the hpfp cover ever been off?

Not sure what you mean by that so I'm guessing no. All I've done is unplug/unscrew various connectors to remove the HPFP for inspecting the cam follower. Various connectors being the top and side connectors and metal fuel rail. I'm blessed with a rubber hose instead of the banjo bolt.

All engine parts are stock/OEM so no stage 2 rebuild or anything like that.

If you mean the housing that the HPFP attaches to that houses the cam, chain, and tensioner, that has never been off. The side cover was over 60k ago when I was checking on whether I had a rev A or B cam. I have B.
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What are the screw sizes for the metal coolant line around the valve? The smallest triple square I have is 6mm which doesnt fit.
I managed to swap out the n205 valve and everything is working for now. I haven't done very many highway miles which is what brought the problem in the first place so it's still TBD on whether or not it's fixed.

Cam chain tensioner is next on my debug list but I don't know if I want to take on a project that large. If I were to check it, I might as well replace it since I'd have to take apart the engine anyway. The whole kit which includes more than I'd need from ECS is cheap though. It would be nice if I could rent the tools for setting engine timing. That way, I could replace the timing belt and water pump in the same install and guarantee that my timing isnt off.

I found this thread by Darcness where he was concerned about the tensioner and timing. Is it true that BPY chain tensioner works via oil pressure? If so, what is the likelihood that I'd have low oil pressure for the tensioner but high enough to not trigger a CEL? I have the goopy winter oil gunk on my oil cap and I'm wondering if that's gumming up the works.


Ready to race!
There are a couple of tool kits floating around here that you can pick up to do the job. It was easier to replace the chain and tensioner than I expected.
Man wish I saw this earlier...I have so many n205 valves.

Got a video of your noise, when your oil pump goes most of the time you'll see an oil pressure light once it warms up, it's very definitive.

They don't give us a spec on oil pressure for that light, mvb for it says good or no good.

Your symptoms are similar to an 06 fsi I had months ago. Weird noise, slow response code and slow boost. It ended up being a cracked timing belt tensioner. We don't see that n205 go bad, matter fact I've never taken one out aside from my car.