Non-Sponsor Advertising, Groupbuys...


Modérateur Emeritus
Los Angeles, CA
First, we apologize for making things a little confusing for you guys. After reviewing the issues internally we decided on taking proper actions.

Non-sponsor advertising is not allowed in forums. If you are affiliated with a merchant(including, but not limited to, working for, or having some other financial gain, or being sponsored by them), or service company (in this case a tuner), DO NOT offer their products or services here unless you are a forum sponsor . It is also not accepted if you are selling mass quantities of merchandise.

If any user wants to present a GB, please contact the source who is willing to offer the deal, and have them approach us. If that company is not a forum sponsor, we won't give green light to the group buy.

In the past, with good intentions we let a lot of personal advertising, group buys slide by, so as of this evening, those who advertise without forum sponsorship will be given infractions and the threads will be deleted. Any other location, including but not limited to signatures, titles, avatars, etc. that contain advertising will be deleted.

We have many forum sponsors here helping us, it would be unfair to them the opposite way.

Please contact JJ-R32 or Gulfer if you wish to become a forum sponsor

Any concerns knock on our doors.:wink:


Modérateur Emeritus
Los Angeles, CA
i think some people are confused, so to clarify, we do not allow people to sell stuff that they make, or people who buy stuff in bulk, and then decide to sell them. Can't find the thread right now, but i remember someone selling downpipes that were supposed to be ATP, but weren't, and that ended up as a mess. also, someone tried to sell some custom speakerboxes (see below), and that ended up as a mess too. Not to mention, this is not fair to our paying sponsors as it's taking potential business away from them.


Modérateur Emeritus
Los Angeles, CA
Posting logos and names of companies in signatures, title, location, "Drives", and avatar
Please refrain from posting logos or names of companies in the signatures, location, "drives", and avatar. At issue is that we do not know who everyone works for or who is affiliated with a company, so to make it fair across the board, we are asking people not to use logos and names in the aforementioned areas.

Car Clubs Affiliated With Companies

We have had issues with people posting for car clubs that carry the name of some companies. This is considered advertising, and we request that people refrain from doing so unless you are a forum sponsor.