Whats up dudes?
I don't post on the forums too often anymore, but I guess I should see whats going on in this thread.
I am technically a career bicycle mechanic, of course my job title changed a little bit and I only touch wrenches a few times a week now and spend the rest of the day staring at a computer screen and moving things around a building. I do still stay up to date on my certifications though, and try to work on enough stuff so I don't get rusty. So, if anyone has any questions about maintenance I can probably help, but be warned I can be a bit opinionated when it comes to lubes, chemicals, and drivetrains.
I am also a reformed roadie, I used to be on the bike 8-20 hours a week and raced 20-40 crits a year with a few road races and TTs thrown in to keep me cynical; But that burnt me out and now I haven't touched a road bike in 2 years and just "ride" mountain bikes. If you can call it riding, I am more like a fish out of water.
I cracked my collarbone pretty good back in August, had surgery in September, and am just now getting back on a bike more regularly.
During my downtime I sold my bike, and currently don't actually own one right now. I have one on order and it should be arriving soon; but until it comes I am "stuck" riding this:
Its a fast bike, like real fast. I don't do it justice, but it is a good vehicle for getting back into shape (which I am quite out of after that crash). It has been a while since I've ridden XC tires and they did give me a few surprises on the first couple rides out.
I am hoping to lose the weight I put on (and more) and be on my actual bike soon, but this one works for now.
Oh, and on the note about Candys: I once raced a cyclocross race on an older pair of candys that I wasn't acquainted with and apparently they didn't want to cooperate with the lugs on my shoes. The end result was that while attempting a dismount to run a barrier (which was actually a log), I couldn't get my second foot out of the pedal. So there I was with both feet on the same side of the bike (I had already swung my unclipped leg over the bike and was ready to drop to the ground running), doing probably 15-20 mph downhill, and I rode full speed into the log barrier that way. According to my friends who were watching, it was quite the crash to witness; It was kind of like
Joey's OK but I was still clipped in.
Short story long, that was the last time I rode candys. I did ride Eggbeaters a few times, but I actually prefer SPD for cross now.