Oh... There are tons.. Problem is most cars get repaired in Spain. Not many get written off. So finding parts for a newer car can be extremely hard.
The mkv is getting older so it is getting easier. I can't tell you any where you ask but for example in Malaga there are about 10 all next to each other. I hear further up north they are much better but not experienced it my self.
As an example I have a client with heavy drivers side damage and requires two drivers side doors and also a front wing, rear can be repaired - however we can not locate any second hand/ used parts in the scrap yards. Mkv yes Mkvi no.
quotes are for new - over 3k or used 1500. With the parts expecting to cost around 800 from the scrappy , if we find them that is.
It also works different to Britain and USA as you don't go in and look for the parts, you are only aloud to go to the office or call, if they have it, they retrieve it not you , so no free pick ups while you are there.