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  1. M

    Am I Wrong to Not Feel Sorry for Him?

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    COVID SCAMdemic... USAID Paid You To Be Gay While You Were Doing It For Free

    I came back into this thread to dispel some very scary and potentially harmful misinformation.... McD's coffee isn't really THAT bad. That is all.
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    COVID SCAMdemic... USAID Paid You To Be Gay While You Were Doing It For Free

    My kid will be left with a mad-max dystopian world thanks to you, Dad.
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    COVID SCAMdemic... USAID Paid You To Be Gay While You Were Doing It For Free

    I gotta say @zrickety I had my first Moderna shot yesterday and I can feel the 5G in there. 2nd dose will activate it. I'm sorry if I ever butt heads with you bro you were right.
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    Who has/had COVID?

    It feels like a troll, but I still hope his anti-vaxx kids get polio or some shit. Gene therapy, LOL
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    **Gun Enthusiast Thread**

    Ha. I gotta say though, this G43x with the vedder lite-tuck IWB is a great combo.
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    **Gun Enthusiast Thread**

    👍 Actually, honestly, I did not... so thank you. I was just digging into that topic but didn't go too far once I hit the perpetual backorder. I have zero issue with 10+1, honestly.
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    **Gun Enthusiast Thread**

    BO forever. I know. EDIT: @Charlotte.:R any sight recommends? Still newer to the world.
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    **Gun Enthusiast Thread**

    Just snagged a G43x now that I am in a 'free' state. Looking at a Vedder Lite IWB and some SA 15+1 mags for CCW. G43x is tremendous. I am a big dude too... XXL gloves. Fits really well, shoots really well.
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    Who has/had COVID?

    I mean it's best we don't jump the gun with fear mongering, but maybe thats just me.
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    Who has/had COVID?

    Nov '19?!
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    Should I buy an R32?

    A one owner adult owned garage queen with low miles under market value? I see these holding. seems logical for both head and heart. Sorry I was thinking previous Gen... let's just say 'around' market value. DSG is a bummer for me too, but some prefer it. 🤷
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    $75,000 and a (car) dream...

    Hey @Acadia18 do you like wagons?
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    $75,000 and a (car) dream...

    Audi RS3 if new. (i'll be a dad soon after all and need that 4door) Probably an RS2 imported if old. DREAM WAGON, and checks off the Porsche box as well.