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  1. BobLobLaw

    Anyone accidentally run into someone famous?

    I smoked pot with Johnny Hopkins. It was Johnny Hopkins, and Sloan Kettering, and they were blazin that shit up everyday.
  2. BobLobLaw

    OT #27: Hot as Bawls Everywhere

    According to John Mayer, my body is a wonderland.
  3. BobLobLaw

    OT #27: Hot as Bawls Everywhere

    Babymetal goes hard af WIKqgE4BwAY
  4. BobLobLaw

    OT #27: Hot as Bawls Everywhere

    Lemme know next time, in my hood and whatnot
  5. BobLobLaw

    OT #27: Hot as Bawls Everywhere

    Preston is one of those names with a built-in Douche factor.
  6. BobLobLaw

    OT #27: Hot as Bawls Everywhere

    Do you even minivan, bruh? 96' Dodge Caravan Sport FTW.
  7. BobLobLaw

    OT #27: Hot as Bawls Everywhere

    Prius, hands down.
  8. BobLobLaw

    OT #27: Hot as Bawls Everywhere

    Dr. Dude knows what's up.
  9. BobLobLaw

    OT #27: Hot as Bawls Everywhere

    Also drugs, but don't mix the two. ;)
  10. BobLobLaw

    OT #27: Hot as Bawls Everywhere

    Making a trip to Rennballz Motorsportz tomorrow morning. :thumbsup:
  11. BobLobLaw

    OT #27: Hot as Bawls Everywhere

    Lol, yet. Just means no current special assessments. Make sure you have a rainy day fund just in case. Sent from my left nut
  12. BobLobLaw

    OT #27: Hot as Bawls Everywhere

  13. BobLobLaw

    The Major Two Coffee Chain showdown

    Can we get a 2016 version of this pole, jawn? Curious if there would be any statistically significant deviation in the results, sir.
  14. BobLobLaw

    OT #27: Hot as Bawls Everywhere

  15. BobLobLaw

    Who's been to jail?

    I've watched Lockup and Locked Up Abroad, so pretty much.
  16. BobLobLaw


    This thread makes me sad.