Just a warning


Go Kart Newbie
This probably applies only in Australia but still a good story. Close to where I live is a redlight speed camera. It takes photos of cars speeding through the intersection and then you receive a nice letter from the local cops asking you to pay a BIG fine, or give them your licence.
Anyway pulled up at the lights before this set and Mini CS pulled up next to me. Anyway lights changed mini screamed off, through the next intersection and "flash" got his photo taken.
Anyway I cruised through and passed him further up the road. He was actually doing under the speed limit. I felt like teling him it's too late mate, no point in going slow now:wink: .
Goes to show that local knowledge is sometimes very handy.
I kinda felt a bit sorry for him cause he looked really shattered. Probably wondering how to get to work on public transport!:bellyroll:
ps had the car for 4 days now AND LOVE IT.


Go Kart Champion
Yeah, those cameras are popping up more and more here in the US. Sucks to be him. I'm seriously thinking about getting that spray in the back of some of the auto magazines. Have you seen it? It's clear and when the camera shoot a pic it reflects it back and the plate just looks like a pic of a big glare spot so you don't get a ticket. It's suppose to be undetectabe too. It's kind of like a clear coat you just spray over your plate.:thumbsup:


2006 Volkswagen GTI
yeh you can even use a special kind of hair spray you know like GEL dont know which one but i will have to find out from a mate and it works good too but once it rains you cant use it it goes away if you want the good one you will have to pay $30 AUS for a can:thumbsup: