Recent content by PandaGTI

  1. P

    My brother is getting a prius. Need help!

    If he needs a commuter... get something that's gonna be cheapest to run with hardly any maintenance. Like a used electric car... This fiat 500e is about $5800 ish. If you have a way to go to a dealer auction you might be able to get a...
  2. P

    The Official 4x4 Discussion Thread

    Here's my Trail Team FJ Cruiser. Just completed a southwest roadtrip with a route that took my wife and I from Orange County to a hipster japanese lantern festival outside of vegas, then out to phoenix, and ended with off-roading in Sedona then back home to Orange County. If you notice I have a...
  3. P

    17 cars illegally seized

    To summarize: - group of enthusiast go on a drive through the OC probably up towards Santiago canyon - ironically a mustang gets hit by a cyclist and was recorded by police as the cyclist fault - weeks later it turns out the cyclist son is a Brea police officer - then city of orange seize...
  4. P

    EPA plans to make modified cars illegal

    I wanna play too... My M-F electric race car with Magnus walker stickers that make it faster And the race car
  5. P

    EPA plans to make modified cars illegal

    Gah... maybe we are petitioning on the wrong site... here's directions where to go to be heard I think we just need to leave comments here...!docketDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OAR-2014-0827
  6. P

    EPA plans to make modified cars illegal

    Yes it's always been illegal, however if this goes into effect... 1) even if your car is just towed to the race track and used as a race car and never driven on the street... it will still be illegal 2) this would allow them to impose large fines on both the consumer and the company selling...
  7. P

    EPA plans to make modified cars illegal

    Here's more clarification "Off-Road Use Only", a label used by the aftermarket on non smog legal equipment, no longer pertains to cars and light trucks now according to the EPA... What...
  8. P

    EPA plans to make modified cars illegal If I'm reading this right you can get fined by the epa for certain mods even if the car is just used on a race track and the companies making the mods can get fined as well. We need to stand together to stop this
  9. P

    Thinking about buying a used 5.0 LX

    I'll just leave this here
  10. P

    My Oregon Coast Roadtrip

    thx for the compliments, For my wash, I start with -Chemical Guy's EcoSmart in a pump sprayer + 2 to 3 of their green "Sasquatch" towels (need 2 to 3 per wash) + 1 to 2 yellow costco microfiber towels for the wheels -Then to take care of any left over watermarks or streaks I finish off with...
  11. P

    My Oregon Coast Roadtrip

    thx Drove through Weed near Mt Shasta... but that was at 7am and the town still looked asleep and I was determined to get to San Francisco early for brunch. The old school E28 I saw that was cruising with me since Sacramento did take the exit to Weed, Ca however...
  12. P

    My Oregon Coast Roadtrip

    I just got back from a 2,000 mile road trip to the PNW in my E90 M3 with my wife. It was epic!!! First about my trip preparations. The evening prior I picked up my M3 from EAS after getting some service items completed. -This included brand new Bilstein B16 Damptronic coil-overs + Ground...
  13. P

    Wifi between office buildings?

    I'm trying to figure out a way to get wifi between 2 different office buildings. The reason being is that previously when we are a small business, we where able to bring in our own wifi routers to use our personal devices. Now that the business is bought by a larger corporation, we have...
  14. P

    Should I buy an e30?

    Do what I just did, lease a Spark EV for $100 ish a month zero down. Use the $2500 state rebate to buy a Miata to use as a track car. And you have the GTI as your weekend car.
  15. P

    Talk me out of the Spark EV

    The Spark EV comes in 2 trim levels (1LT and 2LT) with only one additional option... DC Fast Charging. As far as I can tell, the only difference is that the 1LT gets blue cloth that looks like a circuit board whereas the 2LT gets black leatherette seats, leather steering wheel, and I think it...